Well This Sucks - CoraLee June Page 0,88


“What?” Diego asked while picking at his cufflink. Fuck, he was way too damn handsome for his own good.

“That woman is my mentor. She has her graduate degree from Harvard. She’s been in six documentaries. She’s literally the leading lady in our industry. And she becomes a bumbling idiot around vampires. Also, I hope you enjoyed the nipple clamps, because that’s never happening again.” I rubbed my thumbs over my blouse where my poor nipples were tender and throbbing.

“I did.” Diego smirked. His smile faded as he considered my words for a minute. “I’m used to it. Humans are naturally inclined to please predators. It’s a survival instinct. I suppose it’s one of the reasons I like you so much,” he replied. I wasn’t expecting him to say that.

“What do you mean?”

Diego walked over to me before wrapping me in a hug. We smelled like sex. “We’ve designed our coven to be elite. Most of our existence is built around the fact that people want what we have. Immortality is something most people want.” I mean, sure. The whole living forever thing was damn awesome. But at what cost? Would I have to watch everyone I knew die?

Diego continued, “I’m used to people kissing my ass because I’m the king or because they want their application to become one of us approved. It’s been refreshing to be around you. Not everyone is thrilled about becoming a vampire, but the country club culture we’ve created has been grating on my nerves for the better half of the last decade. Being around you has taught me different ways we can view our lifestyle—different ways we can support people in our coven to make sure they still have a normal life. We’ve been excluding ourselves too much from the rest of the world. We need more variety.”

“I’m so happy that I could help with all of my ordinariness,” I half teased.

“That’s not what I meant, Drew. You are extraordinary. Extraordinary people come from all walks of life, and it’s confirmed my belief that we need a little bit more diversity in our world.”

I was just about to totally swoon at his words when a knock at the door stopped me, as Lacey had returned with a black pencil skirt. Diego grabbed it from her outstretched hands and shut the door before my boss could start rambling again. She was smaller than I was, so I really had to suck it in to pull it over my hips. Diego had to help me zip it and leave the top button open, but it would work for the time it would take for me to get out of the building.

I stared longingly at my favorite pink skirt, torn and on the floor as the black one bit painfully into my hips. That orgasm was worth it, but I really hoped Diego had an elite tailor that could fix it for me.

“You look great, Drew,” Lacey said dryly as Diego and I left the boardroom. Even though her words were complimentary, her tone was dark. Something was seriously weird with her today.

“Thanks, you are one skinny bitch, I could barely get your skirt on. We were going to go grab a skirt that actually fits and then have lunch,” I said, pulling on the skirt to make it more comfortable. Lacey nodded at me curtly and turned her gaze back to Diego.

She walked with us all the way to the elevator while Diego chatted politely with her, smiling and nodding in all the right places. Lacey even boarded the elevator as she soaked up every bit of attention he gave her. She was positively giddy by the time we made it to the lobby. “You know what, Drew? Why don’t you take the rest of the day off.”

I guess dating the king of the undead had its perks after all.


“Are you seriously fidgeting right now?” Drew asked while dancing around her kitchen. I liked being at her apartment. We were back at her real apartment on Sunshine Avenue, that way we wouldn’t have to bring humans back into the compound unnecessarily. It also meant we didn’t have to explain to Yaz how a whole apartment suddenly moved buildings.

The apartment wasn’t too ostentatious and mirrored her personality. I was such a chronically uniform person that it was nice to watch her function with mismatched plates and a collection of eclectic art on her walls. However, I didn’t like the nude rendition of Chris Hemsworth in the hallway.

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