Well This Sucks - CoraLee June Page 0,8

word and stealing your homework.”

Ryan rolled his eyes. “I’ve had a growth spurt since then. And I might have once been a nerd, but I’m now the boss of the nerds. Give me some credit. Come over? We can play video games or get drunk or both.”

“Nooo!” I replied with a pout. “I want to go out. Please?”

“Fine,” Ryan argued. “But I want the limited-edition dildo that was modeled after Tommy Two-Foot. You know I love his videos on Pornhub. It’s like art.”

“Fine,” I replied with a smile. I was already planning on gifting it to Ryan once we got the molds. “I’ll meet you at Bites Bar in thirty minutes.”

“Uh, Bites Bar? You mean that creepy as fuck underground club that usually has a line wrapped around the front? How the hell are we going to get in? And isn’t it a sex club?”

I shrugged. “I’ve always wanted to try that place, and for some reason, I feel like I’m supposed to go there tonight. If we can’t get in, we can just go across the street to Haven.”

“Okay. I’ll meet you out front,” Ryan replied with a frown.

“Byeeee,” I said before hanging up. I then dialed Yasmin’s phone, but it went straight to voicemail. Yep, she already had her Do Not Disturb on for the night. Her loss.

I found a red dress that barely covered my vagina and put it on. The straps delicately rested on my shoulders, and it clung to my generous hips. My boobs were practically spilling out of it. I hadn’t worn this little number since I was bouncing between frat houses in college, but it was an icon in my sexy dress repertoire. It looked good with my long legs and tan skin.

I brushed on some dark eyeshadow and lined my hazel eyes with a pencil called Blacker Than Black. I looked oddly pale today, probably from the weird hangover. I decided not to bother with blush, though, because I knew once I started dancing, my cheeks would flush with a rosy glow. I finished off my makeup with a swipe of deep red lipstick on my plush lips. Something about red made me feel powerful and sexy. After fluffing my long wavy hair, which seemed extra voluminous and glossy tonight, I threw on my only pair of sparkly silver heels and practically ran out the door.

The night air felt so nice that I decided to walk instead of calling an Uber. Normally, I would never walk by myself this late at night, but I was feeling emboldened for some reason. The world was on my side. Last night might have creeped me out, but I wanted to feel strong and capable again. I was taking back the fucking night. I was in control. Just as I was congratulating myself on my empowerment, some old perv honked and yelled, “Show me your tits!” as he drove by.

I flipped him off and kept walking. It’s okay, one creep wasn’t going to derail my night. Not tonight. There was a feeling growing inside my chest, something that I had never felt before. It was like answering a siren’s call: I had to move forward, following the signal that was guiding me, pulling me closer. Every step that brought me closer to the club made me feel more alive.

Bites Bar was located on a busy street, and its lights twinkled up ahead. As I passed a massive church, a shiver went up my spine. I really should have brought a jacket. I walked as fast as my super cute, but not super practical, heels would let me.

I found Ryan waiting in the insanely long line, looking like he wanted to be at his apartment snuggled under a blanket, or anywhere that wasn’t here. As I approached the front of the club, the feeling in my chest had intensified to the point I was sure it had to be glowing.

“Hey, old man, glad you made it,” I teased.

Ryan tugged at his leather jacket and shifted his weight from side to side. He looked nice, in his typical quirky way. His cartoon shirt and skinny jeans fit his slender yet toned build well. “You owe me. You better not back out on your end of the deal,” Ryan said. He did not look amused.

“I solemnly swear to bring you the Tommy Two-Foot cock. I’ll even include the suction cup attachment so you can have fun in the shower.”

“You better,” Ryan said while giving me a stern look.

We had

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