Well This Sucks - CoraLee June Page 0,69

to see the full extent of the damage I had inflicted. As I did, I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection of the room’s only window. I stopped and stared into it. My eyes were wide and savage, my pupils dilated so big that the ring of hazel around them was almost nonexistent. My hair was wet with blood and matted, sticking to my neck. My lips and chin were a deep, gleaming red, dripping with Ryan’s blood.

“I suppose it would be redundant to tell you that you’ve failed this portion of the test,” Graham deadpanned.

Rocky shifted on his feet beside me. “We both know this isn’t a normal test. We usually do paper cuts, not full on open wounds. I’m even struggling.” Rocky bared his fangs to emphasize his point. I would have been thankful for his support had I not been sick with myself for nearly killing my best friend.

“I run the test how I see fit. Perhaps your license needs reevaluating, Rocky,” Graham snapped at my guard. “Why are you even here, hmm? Seems odd to have a fledgling followed by a general in the king’s guard.” Rocky’s eyes turned to thin slits. “Oh yes,” Graham continued. “I know all about your promotion. I suppose congratulations are in order. I wonder what the rest of the coven would think about your new job?”

I was pissed. Not only had Graham put Ryan at risk, but now he was taunting my babysitter—I mean bodyguard. Fuck Graham.

I’m coming. I’ll kill the sorry bastard if he hurts you. Diego’s determined voice rocked across my mind, sending a sense of strength and fury through every cell in my body that added to my own wrath.

“Next exam,” Graham replied in a bored tone. “Compulsion. Make the stupid human forget you ever existed.”

I blanched. “No,” I replied. “I’m not doing that. He’s my best friend.” I refused to admit that part of me was still reeling from nearly killing him five seconds ago. Maybe Ryan would be better off without me?

“Aww,” Ryan slurred. “You’re my breast friend too, Drew. I don’t typically like boobs, but yours are like pillows.”

Ryan was officially out of it. Sucking hell.

“Make him forget you, or fail,” Graham insisted.

Anger swelled within me. I could feel myself shaking with rage. “No,” I shouted while taking a step closer to him. Rocky looked like he wanted to intervene, but I held my hand up. “I’ve got this.”

“I hope you like living in the fledglings’ dorms, Drew. You’re about to fail. This is further proof that Diego is only thinking with his cock. A courtship? You aren’t worthy. You aren’t special. You aren’t capable. You’re a toy to keep his dick wet. I’m relieved. Here I was thinking there was something he wasn’t telling us about you. I guess he’s just ashamed of how painfully ordinary you are.”

Power surged through me. It felt unusual and lethal. My veins buzzed. Rocky took a step backward. “Shut up,” I yelled, my tone deep and ethereal. The entire world underestimated me. My foster parents. My teachers.

Graham tipped his head back and laughed. “Are you trying to compel me? Only the king can compel other vampires. You really know nothing about our kind, do you?”

I popped my neck and growled. “Shut. Up,” I yelled again. I felt as sharp as my fangs. Graham’s laughing immediately stopped. His beady eyes widened in surprise. “That’s better,” I said. I was so angry I couldn’t think. I wanted to punish Graham. “How long can a vampire go without air?” I asked. “Hold your breath.” My demand was met with immediate obedience. Graham sealed his mouth shut, and I watched him with glee.

“Lady Drew, you have to stop,” Rocky whispered while holding his hands up.

I didn’t want to stop. I didn’t want people to underestimate me and treat me like shit for no reason. I was tired of being the underdog, I was tired of people not taking me seriously. Graham had wanted me gone since the moment I showed up, and for what? Because he didn’t think I was good enough for this bloody club? Suck that.

His face turned purple. “Lady Drew. Please.” Rocky was begging me now. Anger overwhelmed me. It was a wrath unlike anything I’d ever experienced. Graham silently sputtered. His entire body shook. “Lady Drew.” Rocky grabbed my arm.

“Breathe,” I commanded. At my words, Graham gasped for air. He choked and coughed while bending over. Seeing him weak thrilled me. It was such a

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