Well This Sucks - CoraLee June Page 0,62

I was doing the same. His rejection sent physical pain through me. It was embarrassing how one statement made me feel like this.

“I didn’t hear a thing. And we aren’t always given what we think we want, Diego,” Claire said. “Sometimes we are given something even better.”

Diego looked around the room. His dark eyes seemed vulnerable as he appraised everything. “Do you think she will like what I’ve done with the place? Maybe she’ll feel more comfortable if…” his voice trailed off as he looked around.

He’d done all of this for me?! I was shocked.

Claire sat on an accent chair and smiled. “I think she’ll feel more comfortable if you actually take the time to get to know her. Take her on a date. Stop treating her like she’s one of your subjects. Be patient and flexible.”

Diego looked down at the floor. “You know my grandparents were fated. They had so much love for one another. They could even speak telepathically. It was incredible. When Papa died in the 1809 Coven War, Grandma followed right after him. My father…my father is gone too. I don’t have anyone. I guess I got ahead of myself. I haven’t had a family in so long…”

Claire gave him a look full of pity, and I found myself wanting to reach out and hug him. This was a hard life to live alone. I was thankful he had Claire and knowing that his grandparents were fated made his crazy excitement easier to swallow. He wanted what they had. But I needed to show him that our weird connection couldn’t determine our entire lives.

“I hate pink,” Diego said with a laugh. “But I’m debating on redecorating the entire compound in this disgusting shade so she feels more comfortable here—just so I can see her smile. I also bought her a 3D printing machine for her dildos.”

Shit. My heart swelled. Damn him for being hopelessly thoughtful right now.

“Why can’t you be ugly and mean?” I asked.

“There it is again,” Diego whispered while looking around the room. “Drew? Are you here?”

Claire grinned. “If she’s astral projecting already, then I’m impressed. It takes some couples years to perfect that.”

“Well, duh, I would master it. I’m kind of an overachiever.”

“Yep,” Diego said with a smile. “She’s here. How can I see her?”

“She would have to let you in,” Claire explained. “You’re an open book right now. Drew still needs some convincing. It’s why the emotion sharing is one sided, too.” The wise, badass vampire stood up. “I’ll let you...convince her in peace. Let’s have breakfast tomorrow, Drew. And bring that friend you’re staying with.”

Claire blew Diego a kiss, then disappeared.

Diego looked around the room in silence as if waiting for me to appear out of thin air. “Are you still here?”

“Yeah. I’m not sure how to leave, to be honest. I needed a break from all of this, and it seems you even invade my dreams.”

Diego smiled and bit his lip. The move was way too sexy for my liking. “I’d apologize, but I’m not sorry.”

“You should be. You should have asked me before going caveman at dinner. I wasn’t prepared for all of that. And I didn’t like that you expected me to move in with you. Moving in is a huge step.”

Diego nodded. “Do you like what I did with the place?”

“It’s nice. But I’d like my own space even better,” I snapped back.

Diego considered my statement for a bit before responding. “If I give you your own space, will you go on a date with me?”

I chewed on the inside of my cheek. “If you give me my own space and let me go to work…”

Diego considered this for a moment. “Can this space be close to my apartment? This bond is...intense. Knowing you are across the city makes me anxious. I always want to be able to protect you. And you’ve proven an incredible amount of control, so you can go to work once you’ve gotten your vampire license.”

“Vampire license?” I asked.

“It’s like a driver’s license. You take a test to gauge your restraint,” Diego explained, like it was the most normal thing in the world. “It also establishes your membership in this coven and gets you some perks, including free rooms at all Four Seasons Hotels. It’s like…graduating from the fledgling program. Eva might even throw you a pizza party.”

I shook my head. Weird. So sucking weird.

“Right. Well, my apartment is only a few blocks away. You could let me live there…”

“How about your own

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