Well This Sucks - CoraLee June Page 0,44

for a moment, willing my burning eyelids not to cry. “I lived in foster care for a while. I struggled and slept on couches for a bit. Saved my money. Got a few scholarships. Went to school. Then, I moved here after I graduated from Stanford with my business degree,” I answered. “How do I control my super hearing? Right now, the city doesn’t bother me, but it’s like every time I try to sleep, the volume cranks up in my mind.”

Diego mulled over my question for a moment. “It’s like when someone talks about having lice. You immediately start scratching your head.”

As if on cue, my fingers reached up and started digging at my scalp. “Gross but continue.”

“Your stronger senses tune in when you’re thinking of them. When your mind is busy, it goes to the background. Like remembering to breathe makes you aware of your breath. Look,” he said before nodding out the window. “We’re about to pass my favorite bakery. Think about your super smell.”

My nose seemed to tingle at his instructions. I inhaled, and the decadent smell of freshly baked bread invaded my nose. I moaned. “Dear God. That smells delicious. Brilliant.”

Diego smiled at me and leaned in closer. “My turn. Are you seeing anyone right now?”

I wasn’t expecting this. “I’m more of a casual dater. That’s what got me into this mess, remember?”

Diego trailed his finger along my collarbone before responding. “I think I’m starting to like messes.”


“And how did that make you feel?” Eva asked. I was seriously getting tired of group therapy. This was one of the most tedious things about becoming a vampire. I thought the raging bloodlust or the new superpowers would be the most difficult to deal with, but no, it was this damn circle time with the rest of the Level Ones that would drive me mad.

Kyle wiped at his eyes and blew his nose on his sleeve, gross. “It makes me sad, man. Like Megan was supposed to be my date to formal. They all think I’m out with mono right now. One week and she’s already sleeping with my frat brother? This sucks. I had to find out from her Snapchat, dude.”

I felt bad for Kyle, but this tear fest was getting old. “Kyle,” I said while rubbing my brow. Eva shifted in her seat while chewing on the end of her pencil. “My dude. You have got to move on. We’ve been talking about Megan for the last hour.”

Kyle sobbed harder.

“Everyone’s problems are valid, Drew,” Eva reprimanded me. Betty snorted in her seat. “Perhaps we can move on to you, though, hmm? How do you feel about the upcoming court case, Drew?”

“What case?” I asked in confusion.

Betty let out a long sigh. “My grandson, you idiot. His hearing is today. We both have to be there.”

“Oh. Waiter dude that fed me to you? What’s the hearing for?”

Eva cleared her throat. “Well, Drew, he must be punished for his crimes. He is responsible for both Betty and your change. The vote today will determine his punishment.”

“They’re going to kill him,” Betty snapped.

“They’re going to kill him?” I echoed.

“That’s what the trial is for,” Eva explained. “He will appear before the council to plead his case. Both you and Betty will tell the court what happened that night and then make any victim statements.”

“Victim statements?” I repeated. My brain was in a fog. Like when you first wake up from a dream and it takes a minute to realize that you’re pinching your pillow and not Spiderman’s ass through that skintight spandex.

“So you can tell everyone what a fucking tragedy your life is since he turned you into a vampire,” Betty barked. She was really agitated for someone who spoke so callously about her grandson’s life earlier. “I can’t believe you didn’t know about this. Don’t you read your mail?”

“Uh, I didn’t know we got mail,” I admitted. Betty huffed at me, and my cheeks flushed. I felt stupid for not knowing about the trial.

“Betty, that’s enough. Let’s let Drew work through this,” Eva interjected. “Now that you are aware of the trial and the significance, please tell us how you are feeling.”

“I don’t know how I feel,” I said as everyone stared at me. It was true though, there were so many emotions racing through my brain, I couldn’t pick one before it was replaced by another.

It was true that I wasn’t even remotely into the thought of drinking blood for the rest of my life or

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