Well This Sucks - CoraLee June Page 0,42

That’s how I got my start. The Tongue Twister 9000 was my brain baby,” I replied proudly. “It was a bestselling toy that put Hard Nights on the map and skyrocketed my career. I’ve been featured in several magazines and made the “30 under 30” list. We have also donated over one hundred thousand dollars to organizations that help women who have been victims of sexual assault. So I would say I do a little more than sell dildos.”

The women at the table were all giving me nods of approval, and even Damien was smiling encouragingly at me. Diego looked relieved that Graham was the only one who found my career funny.

“I must apologize for Graham; it would appear he isn’t entirely comfortable with female sexuality. Perhaps you can send a care package to his girlfriend? It sounds like she desperately needs it,” Winter deadpanned.

Graham turned pale as the rest of the table joined in on teasing him about his sexual abilities. A huge smile stretched across my face as I made a mental note to send Winter a muffin basket. I think I liked the council after all.

“Yes, well. I’m glad we can have a laugh at my expense, but I think we need to have a meaningful conversation about Drew’s position in royal court.”

The table immediately went silent, and I rolled my shoulders back. I seriously didn’t like this Graham dude. “And what about it?” I asked politely, though I was imagining stabbing him in the eye with my fork.

“I think we need to seriously consider taking a vote on your status in our community. With all due respect to our king, I do believe we should make an exception to the ancient blood sharing law of our people and strip Drew of her title. She is an unvetted vampire, and quite frankly, I’ve seen her file. It’s very concerning.”

“Are you suggesting that the council disregard an ancient law that governs our people because of your own prejudice? Kings have the right to appoint anyone they deem worthy to court,” Diego said while cocking his head to the side. “I daresay to contradict my wishes is treason.”

“Since when do the desires of the king supersede the standards of our people?” Graham countered. “Members of court have more freedoms, higher wages, and better accommodations. Has she truly earned that? Most humans are waitlisted for a decade. She was in the wrong alley at the wrong time.”

Shit. This was like watching a heated ping pong match.

Claire cleared her throat and stood up. “Lawrence Wright was sponsored by my family. He has been nothing but a disappointment, and we are sincerely apologetic about his actions. It feels fair that Drew be properly compensated for Mr. Wright’s crimes.”

Graham gave her an incredulous look. “She’s already been compensated. She’s been given immortality!”

I opened and closed my mouth, not sure of what to say.

“We normally kill unsanctioned fledglings,” Asher agreed. “I mean, isn’t her life enough? Why should we give her a title, too?”

Okay. Well, I certainly didn’t like Asher anymore.

Considering I’d still been living in a tiny dorm with a cranky granny, I didn’t fully understand the perks of having a title. Unless it gave me good credit for life, I didn’t really give two shits about being a Lady in vampire court. “Look, if it’s such an ordeal—” I began.

“Stop talking,” Diego interrupted through gritted teeth.

“No, please continue,” Graham replied with a smile.

“I, uh, was just saying that I don’t really care if I’m on the court. If it makes you happy to have me off, I can bow out.”

“You will not. I want her on the court. I’m the fucking king. Question me again and I’ll use every power I have at my disposal to make sure my wishes are known. I’m not afraid to glamour vampires that don’t share my vision. You may hold a seat on the council, but you need to remember who is truly in charge here. She doesn’t understand what she’s saying. Drew Lane would not want to be a servant to the coven. And she definitely doesn’t want to quit her job to work for us as a Level One.” He gave me a pointed stare. Oh shit. Yeah, he was right. I wanted to be on the royal court. Put a fucking crown on me. What was my title again? Lady Drew? It had a certain ring to it, I supposed.

“I didn’t realize you were so passionate about it, King Diego. But of course,

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