Well This Sucks - CoraLee June Page 0,34

embarrassment. “Her family made a sizable donation to the coven in exchange for changing her. Fledglings aren’t ideal, but at least all my sponsored humans have contributed in some way or another to our society.” Graham gave me a dirty look. “Let’s give her, say, five more minutes before we become concerned?”

Fucking prick. One of these days, I was going to ruin Graham. Star was nothing more than a plastic bitch who spent her free time compelling shops to give her free designer clothes. The only contributions she made were with her body in Graham’s office, and he knew it. Not that I had any right to shame him. I still couldn’t quite figure out why I allowed Drew to join our coven. I attempted not to fidget in my seat, but I was struggling to keep my decorum under the circumstances. I really didn’t want to find out what the consequences would be for me if Drew couldn’t prove herself to be an asset to our community. I might have been king, but my enemies were waiting for an opportunity to ruin me.

There had always been discord between the council and the royal family. As king, my bloodline allowed me different abilities than others. I could glamour other vampires. I was stronger. Faster. The council was a group of power-hungry vampires who didn’t enjoy having someone stronger than them in their midst. They wanted that power for themselves.

The dinner didn’t officially begin for another ten minutes, but it was proper etiquette to arrive early and be seated before the blood round was served. The blood round was almost an event in and of itself. The hopeful humans would serve us in grand, carefully orchestrated movements that reminded me more of a group dance than being served my dinner. I checked my watch for the hundredth time when Claire reached out her hand to squeeze mine.

“She’ll be here,” Claire leaned in close and whispered.

Claire hadn’t even pulled back when I caught a flash of red material out of the corner of my eye. Relief flooded my body, and I could feel the tension I had been holding in my shoulders lift. I turned to face her, hungry for the image of Drew’s perfect curves in the dress I chose. Normally, I would have sent a personal shopper out to find something suitable for Drew to wear. It was customary for the sponsored vampire bringing in a human to make sure their sired vampire knew the proper dress code and customs of our coven dinners. But I ended up shopping for the dress myself. I couldn’t help but imagine how the material would fit like a glove over her toned body.

I stared, expecting to see her hazel eyes greeting mine. But instead, my gaze was met with Betty’s. She mouthed thank you and smirked as she shimmied her breasts in my direction. Bitch. What the fuck?

Standing next to Betty was Drew, wearing a tight-fitting black dress that made my cock stir. The fabric clung to her round breasts and plunged deep between them. She caught my eye and wiggled her fingers in a wave.

“There she is,” I growled as Drew found an empty seat and planted herself there.

“I guess the rumors are true,” Graham said with a grin. “I suppose she is pretty. I can see why you let her feed from you.”

I ignored his condescending statement and got up from my seat. “If you’ll excuse me.”

I caught Claire smiling over the rim of her glass as I walked away. Drew was inspecting her bright pink nails when I walked up. “Nice dress,” I said to Betty.

“Fits me like a glove,” she cooed while running her hands up and down her body.

Drew bit her lip before dragging her gaze up to me. “Hello, Diego. What about my dress? You like it?” Her challenging question made me want to lay her out on this table and feast on her for dinner.

“It wasn’t what I was expecting you to wear, but it suits you,” I replied. “Are you adverse to my gifts?”

I vaguely paid attention to the gaping lower level vampires surrounding us. I wouldn’t fault Drew for not knowing that she should be sitting with the other members of court—with me.

“I once had a guy demand a blow job at the end of a date because he bought me a burger. Nothing is ever given freely, Diego. And I don’t want to owe you something worthy of a designer dress.”

I gritted my

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