Well This Sucks - CoraLee June Page 0,31

three million to be here? I mean, the dorms are complete shit for such a high price tag.”

I blinked twice at the pretty boy with blond hair and bleached teeth while wondering how the hell he got into Harvard. Maybe they had a super competitive golf scholarship for frat daddies or something. Or maybe he put that trust fund to good use.

“Well, um, I’m glad you’re getting the most out of your time at Harvard, Kyle. Thank you for sharing,” Eva acknowledged him politely. “And everyone’s circumstances for being here are unique. Please remember the terms of your agreement with the council and not discuss the details of your acceptance with the group.”

“Right. Lips sealed,” Kyle replied with a wink.

What a douche. So, I suppose it’s only scandalous if you can’t afford to bribe the council. I could pay them in dildos. Maybe some of these vamps needed to unwind a bit.

The rest of the circle shared their painstakingly boring stories one after the other. All but Betty, Kyle, and I were planned changes. They were on waitlists and had to be sponsored by a high-ranking vampire to be allowed in. One of them was suffering from breast cancer until she could change. For the most part, none of them had particularly interesting stories. Most were just wealthy people that bought their way into eternity. It made me sick to think about.

This would be one hour of my life that I would never get back. Even with being immortal and having literally all the time in the world, this wasn’t worth it. As Taylor from Shreveport finished telling us about her love of Rocky Road, I pulled out my notebook, opened it to a fresh page, and began to write.

Questions for Diego

How many new vampires are there every month? Or quarter or whatever?

Are you actively recruiting?

Are there other vampire clubs across the country, or do they all come here?

Are there any actual cool vampires? So far everybody here kind of sucks. Haha, get it? Sucks? No, but for real, Kyle is terrible.

So, if vampires are a thing, does that mean there are ghosts? Werewolves? GENIES?!


I looked up to see Eva standing over me. The rest of the group was already out of their seats and heading for the door.

“Group is over, you can go to your quarters now. Unless you have something else you would like to talk about? Perhaps having Betty as your roommate?”

I was in denial about sharing a room with Betty and wasn’t in the mood to discuss it with my hippie vampire therapist. “Nope, all good here! Thanks, Eva!” I said, scrambling to shove my notebook into my bag while standing up and heading toward the exit.

“See you tomorrow!” Eva sang out cheerfully as I slipped through the door.

Shit, I had to come back tomorrow? I’d rather eat nothing but kale for a week straight.


I made my way to my room, and by the time I was opening the door, Betty was tearing down my brand-new artwork. “What the fuck, Betty?!” I cried out.

She looked like Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada, with heartless eyes and a determined scowl on her face. “It looks like Barbie threw up in here. What is it that Eva says? You can’t embrace your existence without letting go of your past? If I wanted to stay in a tacky room, I would have died in that nursing home my idiot grandson put me in.”

I dropped my mouth open. “My style is not tacky,” I urged. Betty pulled her Louis Vuitton suitcase to her coffin and started unpacking a slew of designer clothes and some sky-high heels. Granny had style, that was for sure, but fuck Bitchy Betty.

“You can have your side of the room, I’ll have mine. Put up whatever depressing decor you want. I’ll stick to pink.”

Granny Bitchy Betty crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. “Should we talk about this? Get it out in the open. I’m old, and petty bullshit emotions don’t really do it for me. I want to enjoy my undead life.”

I gritted my teeth and stalked over to the mini fridge for a bag of blood. “There isn’t much to talk about. You changed me against my will. Fed from me. Completely ruined my life. That sums it up, huh?”

Granny Bitchy Betty rolled her eyes. “The way I see it, you’re now a member of vampire court, thanks to the king. You’re more important now than you’ve ever been.”

How fucking dare she!

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