Well This Sucks - CoraLee June Page 0,105

with my laughing ass in tow.

“You can’t go five minutes without fucking!” Betty called. “NO WONDER SHE’S PREGNANT.”

Diego stopped. I dipped my brow in confusion. “What?” I asked.

“I can hear the second heartbeat from here. Listen,” Betty said with a smirk and a wave of her hand before turning around and heading back to the wardrobe room. “You’ve been working so hard you haven’t even noticed.”

Diego and I stared at each other, and the moment I tuned in, that second heartbeat was all I could hear.

Thump, thump.

Thump, thump.

Thump, thump.

Diego smiled. I…suddenly felt sick.

“Holy shit, you’re pregnant.”

A million thoughts ran through my mind all at once. What the fuck did you do with a baby? A VAMPIRE baby? My company just launched, too. Oh my gosh. Not to mention, my apartment was tiny. Would Yaz and Ryan be godparents? I’d never really thought about kids. I wasn’t even sure I wanted one.

“Here you go. Grabbed it during Rocky’s and my couples counseling with Eva. She had it on her desk.” I hadn’t even noticed Betty reappear. She thrust a book in my face, and I glanced at the title: What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Vampire.

“How long have you known?” I asked her incredulously.

“I had a dream a couple weeks ago that you had a little boy. Eva thinks I have the gift of sight.”

“A boy?” I asked while rubbing my stomach. Diego seemed to pick up on my unease because he held me tighter. “We’re going to have a boy.” Suddenly, I felt excited. A little boy. Would he look like Diego? Oh gosh, we would need to move to Diego’s place, it was so much bigger but would be a bitch to babyproof. What did baby vampires eat? Did they have fangs?

“We’ve got this, babe. I’ll be with you every step of the way,” he whispered in my ear.

Nausea rolled up my stomach, and I suddenly felt like I was going to puke all over him. I clawed at Diego to let me down, unable to get the words out. Oh suck.

Vomit shot out of me like an exorcism, barely missing him and splashing the floor with the pancakes I’d had for brunch. Diego gagged and nearly dropped me. I started to cry.

Morning sickness. I had morning sickness. No wonder I had been puking so much.

Well, This Sucks.

Seconds passed, and finally Diego started laughing. “What a sucking mess,” I croaked. He walked me over to a clean spot, and Rocky grabbed me a water bottle. Guzzling it down made my stomach churn. When I was done trying to eradicate the taste of puke from my mouth, Diego tucked a stray puke-soaked strand of hair behind my ear. “This is the best day of my life.”

I blanched. “I almost just puked on you.”

He pressed a palm to my stomach, and a single tear traveled down his cheek. “I have a family again,” he whispered, his voice full of adoration.

It dawned on me then that he was right. We did have a family. A perfect, small family. I had no idea what I was doing, but we would figure it out—together. “You’re changing the diapers,” I said with a frown.

“Anything for you, my queen.”

Thank you for reading!

Hey there! Thank you so much for reading!

Drew was hilarious but also really sucking cool to write. If you enjoyed this story, we kindly ask that you leave a review. Reviews are the lifeblood of an author’s career, and every star counts.

Have a happy day,

Carrie and CoraLee


This book would not have been possible without the support and love of our PAs, Christina Santos and Savannah Richey, as well as Christine Estevez with Wildfire Marketing.

We would like to especially thank Katie Friend and Claire Jones for beta reading.

We are grateful to all of those with whom we have had the pleasure to work with during this book. We’d like to especially recognize our editor, Helayna Trask. She always takes the time to dive into the worlds we create and make sure they are perfect for you all. We would also like to thank all the dedicated members of The Zone, The Gray Area, and Cora’s Crew. And finally, thank you to HarleyQuinn Zaler for this drool-worthy cover.

About the Author

CoraLee June is an international bestselling romance writer who enjoys engaging projects and developing real, raw, and relatable characters. She is an English major from Texas State University and has had an intense interest in literature since her youth. She currently resides with her husband and two daughters in Dallas, Texas, where she enjoys long walks through the ice cream aisle at her local grocery store.

Stalk Me:









About the Author

Carrie Gray is a new author who has enjoyed putting her own voice on the page and watching the story she helped create come to life. She grew up in Chicago where she received her Bachelor of Science in Biology and has not science-d since. She lives in the Dallas, Texas, area with her husband and son, where she has still not adjusted to the heat and wonders why people go outside when there’s perfectly good air-conditioning and snacks inside.

Stalk me too, I mean, if you want to…







Also By Coralee June & Carrie Gray

Looking to Score


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