Web of Lies (The Goode Life #2) - Isla Olsen Page 0,8


Lily shrugs. “Well, this morning’s an exception. Just for a little while, though,” she calls after him as he rushes off, bowl in hand.

Then she stalks over to me and slaps the item in her hand down on the table. It’s a strip of condoms.

“Seriously?” I ask her, arching a dubious brow.

“Yes. Seriously. You’re single now and you’re spending the weekend at a bachelor party in Vegas. I don’t want any excuses for you to not have fun.”

I let out a soft breath of laughter. “You do realize most of us are on PrEP, now, right?”

“Most. Not all. You don’t want to be taking any chances.”

True enough. Besides, PrEP doesn’t protect against the more common STIs; I’d really prefer not to have to seek treatment at Finchley’s local clinic next week if I happened to contract the clap from a one-night stand in Vegas. That is, of course, if I even have a one-night stand in Vegas.

Still, better to be safe than sorry, so with that in mind I slip the condoms into my pocket, making a mental note to move them to my wallet later.

* * *

Despite still feeling completely humiliated about the end of my so-called relationship with David, I’m actually in a pretty good mood when I get into work. Spending the morning with Lily and Joel was a lot of fun, accidental boner incident aside, and it was a reminder of how much I let myself be molded to fit David’s needs and habits over the past two years. I like cartoons and sugary cereal and singing broadway classics with an electric toothbrush microphone. I don’t like kale smoothies or gluten-free muffins or listening to finance podcasts, but somehow I’ve made that my morning routine over the past couple years.

Once again for the back row: Idiot.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for my good mood to completely evaporate. When I get to the ward, I make a beeline for Cara’s room, wanting to check how her surgery went last night. She’s not actually listed on my rounds for today, but I figure it can’t hurt to just stop by for a minute before I start my shift.

But when I get to her room, I’m surprised to see it’s empty. Flagging down one of my colleagues, a middle-aged woman named Barbara, who’s been at the hospital far longer than I have, I ask, “Where’s Cara? I thought she’d be back on the ward by now?”

Barbara offers me a pitying look. “Oh, you haven’t heard?”

My brows draw together in confusion. “Heard what?”

“Jesse…about Cara. There was a complication with her surgery yesterday.”

“So she’s in ICU?” I ask, letting out a ragged sigh. As if the poor girl hasn’t already been through enough.

Barbara shakes her head slowly, eyes burning with sympathy. “No, honey…she arrested on the table. They couldn’t…” She broke off, drawing in a shuddering breath. “She’s gone, Jesse. I’m sorry, I know she was special to you.”

It takes all my energy not to stagger back from what feels like a physical blow. This isn’t the first time I’ve lost a patient; it’s one of the pitfalls of working with sick kids—it’s just not possible to make all of them better, hard as you might try. But Cara…she was definitely a special one. Such a sweet girl, and with such a bright future ahead of her, if only she’d gotten that transplant in time…

“Do we know any of the funeral details yet?” I ask quietly.

Barbara gives a soft shake of her head. “Not yet. I’ll let you know if I hear anything.” She reaches out to rub her hand over my arm, offering a gentle smile. “You concentrate on enjoying your week off, okay? I’ll be sure to keep you in the loop.”

I nod. “Thanks, Babs.”


From the private Facebook group ‘Finchley Locals Community Hangout’

* * *

Post by Candace Goode: Where did we land on casino night? Do I need to organize a sitter?

Gunner Clarke reply to Candace Goode’s post: Bring the kids with you. The saloon is a family place apparently *wink emoji*

George Goode reply to Gunner Clarke’s comment: Am I going to regret leaving you in charge this weekend?

Gunner Clarke reply to George Goode’s comment: Probably. But you should be more worried about your dad if we’re being honest

Carson Goode reply to Gunner Clarke’s comment: All I suggested was half price drinks. Just to get people in the door

George Goode reply to Carson Goode’s comment: You’re fired old man


* * *

On Friday morning, a convoy of cars leaves Finchley

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