Web of Lies (The Goode Life #2) - Isla Olsen Page 0,37

in the night, just as the party’s breaking up and everyone is starting to leave the restaurant, I bump into Jesse in the restroom.

“Nice speech,” I say with a grin, once I’ve ascertained there’s no one else in here with us. “I’m honored you decided to quote me.”

He chuckles and steps closer to me. “Well, they were some wise words.” Moving dangerously closer—close enough that anyone walking in right now would have some pertinent questions—he rests his hands at my waist and leans in to brush a kiss across my lips. “I’d invite you back to my place right now, but Zack and Lawson are staying tonight. A whole pre-wedding thing or whatever.”

I offer a soft smile. “I know. I’m doing the same thing with Slater and the other guys.”

We dare to brush lips again before pulling apart, and not a moment too soon because a second later, Zack and George burst through the door to the restroom.

Without another word, Jesse strides past them and out the door, while I get on with the reason I came in here in the first place.


From the private Facebook group Finchley Locals Community Hangout:

* * *

Post by Missy Clarke: I just have one more question about the bus

Genevieve Goode reply to Missy Clarke’s post: *Face palm emoji*


* * *

“Okay, I don’t want to be a killjoy or anything, but I think we should probably skip the margaritas,” I say, eyeing the cocktail ingredients Lawson has set up on the kitchen counter. Turning to Zack, I continue, “I mean, I realize it was mostly thanks to tequila you and Slater got back together, but you don’t exactly handle the after effects all that well. Do you really want to be hungover tomorrow?”

Zack lets out a groan of defeat. “The man’s got a point…”

Lawson’s mouth falls open in shock. “Z, it’s your last night of freedom!”

“That’s a charming way of looking at the night before he marries the love of his life,” I deadpan.

Zack chuckles. “Calm down. It’s not a no to cocktails, just a no to cocktails made with tequila.”

Oh great. This is going to be a long night.

In the end we decide on daiquiris; or at least, a version of them made from frozen berries and vodka, because that’s what we happen to have on hand.

Once the cocktails are made, we settle at the kitchen table with a large bowl full of popcorn and Cards Against Humanity.

“You know, I’m actually surprised you guys decided to do the whole night apart thing,” I muse as I deal out the cards.

Zack shrugs. “It’s tradition.”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean you actually have to do it,” I point out.

Zack offers a wry smile, rearranging his cards in his hands, most likely in order of best to lamest. “We can survive one night without each other. I am curious to know what they’re up to, though.”

Pouncing on the opportunity, I withdraw my phone from my pocket and text Web.

Me: Zack wants to know what you guys are up to *wink emoji*

Web Goode: Well George thought it would be hilarious to play a game called Pin the Cock on the Guy…

Me: I hope you’re not using a live prop, coz that sounds painful *cringe emoji*

Web Goode: Lol no, it’s a pic

Web Goode: I’m a little concerned for Zack though. Slater is really terrible at this

“They’re playing Pin the Cock on the Guy,” I announce, grinning at my phone. “And apparently Slater sucks at it. Good luck, bro.”

“Appreciate the sentiment, but I don’t need luck. Trust me, we’re alllll good,” Zack says with a sly smile.

“Please don’t go into further detail,” I grumble.

He lets out a soft chuckle before asking, “Am I the only one who thinks it’s weird they’re playing a cock game when Slater’s the only gay guy of the bunch? Or are Kip and Preston there as well?”

“I have no idea about Kip and Preston, but the game was George’s idea, so…”

Zack nods as if that clears everything up. “Okay, not so weird anymore.”

I eye Lawson curiously, noticing a hint of color touching his cheeks at the mention of George. Interesting… I know those two have become total bros ever since Law moved to Finchley last year, but is it possible that something might have happened between them?

I shake the thought out of my head almost as soon as it gets there. George is as straight as they come. I know he loves to flirt and joke around, but there’s a big difference between that kind of

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