Weaving Fate - Nora Ash Page 0,32

my legs from the other girl as she grabbed the clothes from her arms. “I’m so sorry! You—come here!”

The last bit was clearly directed at me, and I narrowed my eyes at being commanded by an omega, of all things. Before I could voice a reprimand, she’d grabbed me by the arm and was tugging me toward the back of the shop.

“What is wrong with you? You can’t just drop your pants in front of a stranger!” Annabel hissed as she did her best to shove me into a small enclosure shielded by a curtain.

“It’s her job to dress people,” I said, reflexively closing my arms around the clothes she shoved at me before she ripped the curtain shut between us. “She’s seen men in stages of undress before.”

The omega muttered something that sounded like a curse. “Look, times have changed, okay? These days, you’re expected to be a big boy and manage your own clothes shopping. And you’re certainly not supposed to flash some poor girl working minimum wage! Just… try on what she got and let me know if you need a different size of anything. I think it’s best if you don’t try to talk to her again.”

I scoffed at how ridiculous she was being over my bare legs, but whatever. She was more used to this era than I was.

I tried on multiple pieces of the foreign garments, eventually settling for a tight-fitting gray tunic with buttons all the way down the front, and some equally tight, stiff trousers in a blue fabric. There was a mirror in the enclosure, and as far as I could tell, I looked like a person with clothes.

“This will do,” I said, ripping the curtain back open before grabbing for my sword I’d propped against one of the walls. “Go pick something out for yourself so we can board a ship.”

Annabel didn’t obey. Instead she looked me up and down, and when her eyes reached my crotch, her cheeks blushed a deep pink.

“Let me guess—zippers weren’t a thing back in your day?”

“Zippers?” I asked, following her gaze to my crotch.

“For Chrissakes,” she muttered, taking a step forward and reaching for me.

Something pulled deep in my gut, a sensation of suction that went straight to my balls as her dainty finger connected with the front of my trousers, pulling on the odd metal adornment there. She brushed over the linen fabric of my underwear in the process, and my cock reacted instantly, rising as if to reach for more of her warm touch.

“Oh my god!” she croaked, releasing the trousers as if she’d burned herself. “Why are you all like this?!”

I glanced to her from my bulge straining to burst through the now-closed zipper, but she’d already turned her back on me and was beating a hasty retreat to the other end of the shop.

For a woman who’d been claimed by two alphas and let a third mount her, she seemed awfully shy about the natural desires her touch provoked. I was the one with reason to resent my body’s reaction, not her. She was an omega—a human omega. Divine alpha cock should inspire nothing but desire in her.

I inhaled before I could stop myself, testing the air for her pheromones. I wrinkled my nose at the onslaught of scents hitting my nostrils; hundreds of prior patrons to the shop, the girl serving it, and Bjarni. But also her.

I breathed in again, filtering out anything but Annabel. She smelled of warm honey and thyme, and just a hint of omega pussy.

I shivered, swallowing a groan when my cock thickened further. Idiot. The girl was right—I was exactly as dumb as every other single-minded alpha who couldn’t keep it together when an omega looked their way.

I stared at her across the shop as she fussed with Bjarni’s hair, wrapping it up in a bun and stroking at his beard to tame the wild strands. His eyes crinkled at the corners at her efforts, and he mumbled something to her that made her laugh, the pealing sound ricocheting around the shop.

Something sick and angry rose in my gut as I watched them together.

She wasn’t his, yet none would have known it from the way he acted around her. He had no right to pet her cheek, no right to press a kiss to her shoulder when she turned away to find her own garments.

No right to look at her with such adoration and longing, I just knew he was thinking about the next

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