Weaving Fate - Nora Ash Page 0,115

behind me, his eyes dark and wild as he fell to his knees between my legs and grabbed my ass, clutching at my flesh.

“Modi,” I whispered. “I want you to. I want you.”

He didn’t need permission—the moment he carved his mating claim into my neck, my body and my pleasure belonged to him. But I gave it to him anyway, because I knew, deep down, he craved it. He needed to know that he was wanted.

He grabbed my hip, his hands rough as he turned me to my back and hooked my legs over his arms, spreading me open in invitation.

I looked into his eyes as he guided his cock to my sodden folds and fucked up inside of me with a hard thrust, gasping with him when he was fully embraced by my wet heat.

He didn’t pause to savor the moment; he was too far gone to have the capability. I clung to his shoulders as he screwed me rough, hard and thoroughly. No dirty words fell from his lips—only his harsh grunts, my own whimpers and the wet smacks of my pussy taking him all the way to the root over and over and over again filled the room.

When his knot finally swelled in my opening, my body obeyed his dominance and broke with him, the ache of our tie snapping in place behind my pelvic bone forcing me through a climax that drained the very last of my energy.

I collapsed underneath him, my arms and legs flopping to the floor in a decent starfish imitation. The last thing I saw before my consciousness fled the scene was the overwhelming love in Modi’s eyes as he gazed down at me while his cock pulsed, coating my cervix with every last drop of his essence.

I fell asleep to his rumbling purr, knowing into the marrow of my bones that I was finally whole again. Whole, and loved completely and eternally.



Wake up, Annabel.

Dawn is here. Wake up.

I groaned in protest, my eyelids feeling like they weighed at least a ton. Each. When I finally managed to crack them open, the faintest of gray light met me. Gray light and silence, save the soothing sound of deeply breathing men.

My men.

I forced the muscles in my neck into action, twisting to search for whoever’d woken me up. Around me, all four of my mates lay sprawled, fast asleep. Or, more like around and on top of me.

On the journey here, I’d been grateful for Modi’s and Bjarni’s body heat, but buried underneath four huge furnaces, things were a bit on the toasty side.

Gently so as to not disturb anyone, I tried to extricate my arm from where it was wrapped around Modi’s neck.

He grunted, rolling halfway so my limb got trapped in the bend of his elbow.

“Modi,” I whispered, poking him in the face—the only place I could reach now, since Bjarni had a hold of my other arm. “Let go.”

Another grunt. Slowly he cracked an eyelid at me. “Hmm?”

“I gotta get up. C’mon, release.”

He closed his eyes again, pushing in closer against me to rest his head against my ribs and underboob. “Stay.”

“Modi!” I somehow managed to keep my hiss quiet enough not to wake anyone else—I hadn’t tried to move my lower body yet, but from the throbbing from down yonder, I was very, very sure I didn’t need anyone waking up and suggesting round two.

His eyes rolled open again, both of them this time.

“I gotta pee. Help me get up. Please?”

Modi sighed, rolling off me with a reluctant groan. He even lifted Bjarni’s arm off me so I could sit up. When I did, and winced at the way my abdominal muscles spasmed in protest, he rumbled out a concerned note, his warm hand finding my stomach. “Does it hurt?”

Despite the drunken quality to his voice, I could see worry that I might be injured spark in his blue eyes.

“I’ll be fine. Go back to sleep.” I gave him a smile that I hoped wasn’t too much of a grimace.

“Hmm.” His eyelids were already sliding closed again, his head relaxing into the space in the furs where I’d lain. “Hurry back.”

I stroked a hand up along his side instead of answering. It seemed to do the trick—within moments he was breathing deeply again.

It was easier to pull free from the tangle of Magni’s and Saga’s legs, except doing so engaged my core muscles a fair bit, and I had to bite my lip not to whimper as I freed

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