Weaving Fate - Nora Ash Page 0,105

blue eyes roamed over Loki’s face, her lip curling in distaste. With a yank, she turned around, forcing him to stumble forward as to not fall flat on his face.

“Sisters! With me!"

The gathered Valkyries crowded in around Loki, pushing us out of the way as they took up position around him. As one, they walked through the gates of Valhalla and into the great hall within.

“I guess we follow,” Bjarni said.

Modi nodded. “It would seem that way. Magni… is close. And Saga.” He rubbed his chest where our bonds were hooked.

I could feel them too, which I was pretty sure was the only reason I was still conscious. Adrenaline alone kept me awake, my instinctive knowledge of my other mates' nearness keeping me alert.

We crossed the threshold to the mighty fortress, following the throng of Valkyries leading Loki to the dais at the front. This time not a single Viking noticed my presence—everyone was staring at our prisoner in silence.

Odin sat at the front, raised up above the hall on his throne, his staff in one hand and a raven on each shoulder. As was true the last time I saw him, he looked every inch the god-king, but my gaze barely touched him because by his side stood Magni, Saga, and Grim.

They saw me at the same moment I did them. Magni and Saga jerked, both moving forward as one. They didn’t bother with the stairs, leaping from the dais and rushing through the hall, jumping over benches, tables, and warriors alike, until finally, finally—



Saga plucked me from Bjarni’s arms, pulling me close as Magni grabbed my chin and pressed a deep kiss to my lips, slipping his tongue in between as he claimed my mouth for his.

His scorching lips nipped at my neck and hands roamed the length of my body, searching every millimeter of my skin for injuries.

“My mate,” Saga groaned against my ear. “You’re here.”

I clutched at him, winding a hand into each of their long manes, holding them so wonderfully, perfectly close.

The hollowness I’d carried since we parted melted away as if it’d never been there, and for the first time, all four bonds hooked in my chest hummed peacefully from within.

“I love you both,” I gasped in the short moment’s breath I was allowed before Saga claimed my mouth from Magni. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Magni rumbled in my ear. “I should never have let you leave without telling you.”

“Should never have let you leave at all,” Saga breathed in between desperate kisses. “Never again.”

“It was fortunate that you did," Modi said from the other side of the cocoon of Magni's and Saga's bodies. “Without her, we would never have captured Loki. Or survived the journey home.”

Warmth bathed my already humming heart. It meant so much to hear those words from Modi—the man who’d been adamant I was nothing but a burden when we first set out. But not anymore.

I broke away from Saga’s kiss to give him an appreciative smile. He caught my gaze, and the tenderness and pride in it took my breath away.

Magni unwound one arm from my body and clasped a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Thank you both. For taking care of our mate and for bringing her back to us.”

“She belongs to us too now,” Bjarni said, just the barest of threats making its way to his voice. “Don’t thank us for looking after our own mate.”

“We felt you bond,” Saga said. He pressed his forehead against the top of my scalp, drawing my scent in for a few breaths before he looked up to his brother and Modi, a frown marring his handsome face.

I rolled my eyes, irritation mixing with the bliss of finally being reunited with all my mates. “Can we not? This is definitely not the time for a territorial pissing contest.”

“The girl is right,” a dark rasp interjected. Grim appeared by Saga’s side, his mismatched eyes only briefly touching mine before he focused on his brothers. “Our father is about to face judgement. Perhaps… this… can wait?”

I flushed, a touch of embarrassment wheedling its way through my exhausted euphoria, but when I dared a quick look around, exactly no one was looking in our direction. Loki had climbed the stairs to the dais. The Valkyries, except the blonde leading him, remained at the foot, taking up guard.

“Loki,” Odin said, his voice filling the great hall even though he didn’t shout. “I am so very pleased to see you decided to return to

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