Wayward Son - Rainbow Rowell Page 0,35

smiles. (I wouldn’t be smiling in this situation.) “People have told me. Other magic-Speakers.”

“Pfft,” Penny says. “Because you chased them into the wilderness and cornered them?”

“Because I asked,” he says. “And because they knew I didn’t mean any harm.” He turns back to Baz. “I’ve never met a vampire.”

“I hope your luck holds,” Baz replies.

The Normal is standing near his truck, with the door open. He pushes up his glasses. “I could help you guys—”

“You’re the reason we need help!” Penny shouts.

“How?” I ask. “How could you help us?”

He steps towards me. “You’re lost. You clearly don’t know anything about America—half your spells don’t work, and you drove right into a Quiet Zone. I don’t know where you’re going, but I could be your guide, your Sacagawea.”

Penny folds her arms. “So we can invade America and steal it from you?”

“Oh, shit, is that what you have planned?”

“Yeah,” Baz scoffs, “we’re off to a flying start.”

The Normal isn’t giving up. “Are you hunting vampires? Is that your mission?”

“No!” Penny says.

“We’re on holiday,” I say. “Vacation.”

He pushes up his glasses again. “You came to Nebraska? On vacation?”

“We’re just passing through,” Baz says. “Listen, Shepard … could my magickal friends and I have a moment?”

While Shepard is saying, “Sure,” Baz grabs my arm and Penny’s, and pulls us back towards the ring of cars. (Someone has built Stonehenge out of cars. This is the best thing I’ve ever seen.)

“We should take his help,” Baz says.

“Don’t be mental, Baz.”

“We’re stuck here, Bunce.”

“Yeah, because of him.”

“So we take his help,” Baz goes on, “then we hit him with a memory spell. He has everything to lose here: We outnumber him, and our magic will come back as soon as we get to a town.”

“What if he has a gun?” I ask.

“I’ll sit behind him and break his neck if I have to.”

I frown at Baz—“Do you know how to break someone’s neck? I should show you before we get in the car—”

We hear tyres on gravel, and for a second, I think Shepard has decided to leave without us. We all look back.

There’s a new set of headlights turning off the road. Two sets. Now three.

“Who’s that?” Penny asks.

Baz shakes his head. “No one good.”



One, two, three trucks turn off the road and creep towards us, pinning us against Shepard’s truck with their headlights.

We don’t try to run. Simon could. He could have escaped already.

I elbow him. “Fly away, Snow. Now.”


“You could get help.”

“From who?”

Doors open and close. There’s someone coming towards us, but with the headlights in my eyes, I can’t see them.

It’s something like a man … Like.

There’s a clicking noise, and then a gunshot. And then whatever-it-is finally gets close enough for us to see—

It’s a man-sized polecat holding a shotgun.

Black and white stripes. Beady eyes. Blue jeans. He opens the corner of his maw and shoots a stream of brown liquid at my feet. It smells like pipe tobacco.

“So the rumours are true,” he says. “We got some trespassers.”

Another something floats over the polecat’s shoulder—a thick grey mist. With arms. It curls around Penny, hissing, “Speakers.” Its hand brushes through my cheek, but I can’t feel it. “And vampires.”

“Are you all armed?” The polecat looks over his shoulder. “Search ’em.”

A third thing steps out of the glare. Another manlike creature. This one’s huge, wearing camouflage trousers and a flannel shirt, and he’s got a head like a goat’s—not one of Ebb’s goats, something fiercer, with horns that curve back over his ears then twist forward again. He reaches out to me with fleshy human fingers.

“Don’t even think about it,” I say.

The black-and-white polecat cocks his shotgun. “Look here, son. We don’t want any of your trouble. They might put up with you deviants wherever you come from, but this is Nebraska.” (He could mean literally anything by “deviants.” Magicians, vampires, bird boys, queers…) “You knew what you were getting yourself into when you entered the Quiet Zone.”

The goat-man is patting Bunce down, looking for a wand, no doubt. She’s lucky with that ring of hers; Normals and creatures don’t even realize it’s magic. My own wand is safe for the moment—coiled in Simon’s tail and hidden behind his back.

Bunce is staring up at the goat’s face, like she recognizes him from a film. “Are you one of the Fomorians?”

He sneers at her.

“You are, aren’t you.” She’s so curious, she’s forgotten to be scared. “Chaos demon,” she says excitedly to Simon and me. “Droughts, blight, deaths at sea.” She turns back to

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