Waylaid (True North #8) - Sarina Bowen Page 0,79

go. When you finally say fuck it and take what you want. Now that’s sexy.”

Then he lifts his hips and turns away, shedding his bathing suit, tossing it aside. When he turns back to me, he’s wearing nothing but a fearless smile. Confidence is my drug of choice, apparently.

We lean in at the same time, and my smile rejoins his. He moans into our kiss, and the sound is so raw and hungry that I feel it between my legs. Then his hand is there, pulling off the last scrap of my bathing suit. My body quivers happily.

And then I’m naked on a blanket with Rickie, ready to give him anything and everything he wants from me.



During high school my parents were briefly stationed in the United Kingdom, where their rental flat had a gas fireplace. You turned on the gas and tossed in a match, and it instantly lit with flames.

That’s how I feel whenever I touch Daphne. Yet I’ve tried to hold back the wave of need that rolls through my body whenever we’re together. She deserves a better man. One who’s less of a wreck.

Yet I’m the one she wants. And she’s so beautiful when she decides to let loose. The arch of her back as I kiss her. The hot look in her brown eyes asks for more.

And I’ve got more. I’ve got deep kisses and skin that sizzles as soon as it brushes against hers. I’ve got clever hands, and a whole lot of hunger. Daphne never believes me when I tell her how much I care for her. She doesn’t trust it. But I’d give every last piece of myself to her, if she’d let me. Every damn drop.

Promises aren’t on her mind right now. Just sex. And I aim to deliver. Dropping my hips onto hers, I rest my cock in the cradle of her body, where she can’t miss my arousal or my crude intentions.

Even though it’s a hot night, she shivers beneath me, lifting her hips on a whimper. Upping the ante, I spread her legs with mine. Our next kiss is wild and deep. Her long legs tangle with mine, and her hands skim all over my skin in a way that’s more desperate than tender.

I love it. But God, I need to slow down. My body is tightly coiled with need. I run a hand down and up the smooth skin of her inner thigh, and I swear my fingertips are shaking as I delve between the petals of her body.

“Oh yes,” she whimpers as my cock gives a helpless throb.

I take a deep, slow breath, and lower my mouth to her breast. I kiss her slowly there, even as her heart thuds against my cheek. “Sweetheart,” I rasp. “What are the odds there are condoms in your brother’s truck?”

“Who cares?” Her hands land in my hair and stroke. “We don’t need one.”

“You sure?”

“Promise,” she breathes. “Women’s reproductive health is my jam.”

Holy hell. I let out a choked laugh and give a silent prayer of thanks for my good fortune. My celibate streak no longer seems weird at all to me. Clearly I was waiting for Daphne Shipley.

The wait is over. So I rise up onto my elbows and reverently kiss both her breasts again. Then her neck, and the tender place beneath her ear.

Then I brace her in my arms. And, looking down into her serious brown eyes, I nudge her entrance with the head of my cock. We lock gazes as I slowly feed it to her, inch by slow inch, taking my time not because I have to, but because I don’t want to forget even a moment of this.

Her kiss-bitten lips fall open as she moans my name. And I realize I’m holding my breath, for good reason. I’m in a wet, tight heaven, with nothing between us. I can feel everything, and it’s almost too much to handle.

I draw a slow breath, feeling very much like a bomb that might suddenly go off.

“Rickie,” she whispers.

“Yes, gorgeous?”

Her eyes seem to find their focus. “I like you, too.”

“That is really good to hear.” My next kiss is soft and sweet. But that’s the only part of me that is. I have to move. And when I slowly roll my hips, we both groan. Daphne arches up to meet me, her cheeks flushed with pleasure.

If I can make this last more than a few minutes, it’ll be a damn miracle. Especially since she starts making heady little

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