Watson - Kathi S. Barton Page 0,46

still made out well. Abby is going to use one of them for a studio for her and Amy to use to take pictures. The other place they had turned out to be a bust. It needed all new wiring, and that was well beyond what the building was worth.” Brandon said he’d do that. “We’re all getting wives. Do you suppose we’ll be in that group of old married people too?”

“More than likely.” He then asked Brandon if he’d met Louis. “I did. I heard that he came home this morning, so I went by and gave him some gifts. The kid was afraid to open the package until Rayne assured him she had no intentions of selling it off.”

“Poor kid. And I have to tell you, I’m completely in love with AJ. Have you seen Uncle Wesley around the kids? He’s in heaven. Having so much fun with the kids that I swear he’s ten years or so younger.” Brandon said his dad was thrilled with AJ too. He loved being a great uncle. “That’s right. I forgot about that.”

They wandered around the house until they ended up in the living room. There wasn’t much on the television this time of night, so they opted to just let it play in the background as they brought up fond memories. Most of them were of when they were all together, and they also talked about how much they were enjoying being around their dads. Booker said he and his dad were having a wonderful time getting to know one another.

“It’s been really comforting to know my dad is trying so hard to be the man he should have been. I didn’t say that to him—he told me that the other night when he was here. Also, and this is something I think all of us feel, our fathers are feeling better just knowing they are free of their ex-wives. I know that sounds terrible, but—”

“No, it doesn’t sound terrible. It’s the truth.” Booker asked him how he felt about them all being gone. “Nothing. I don’t feel anything. It’s as if someone told me that a great uncle I never met has passed away. There hasn’t been any feelings for my mother or the others for a very long time. I think since well before I left home.”

“That is sad. Not on our part, but theirs. If you ask me, they’re the ones that lost out. Not only did they never get to know any of us, but they missed out on knowing Aunt Holly too.” He realized they were talking about something they should be avoiding right now. Sadness wasn’t going to interfere in his life as much anymore. “Anyway, we should get going about seven in the morning. We can stop on the way and get some breakfast too. The auction starts at ten, so that will give us a good hour to look around and make notes on things.”

“I’m excited about this new venture, Book. I swear, I’ve never enjoyed things as much as I do today. I think it has to do with knowing that no one is going to be hurt or hurt me and that I’m going to do something I want for a change.” Booker agreed. “All right. Good night, buddy. And thanks for being there for me. I love you.”

“And I love you, Brandon. But let’s not be mushy about it.” They were both laughing as they parted ways in the hall. Booker set his alarm on his phone and laid down. Closing his eyes with a smile on his face, he thought of one more thing. “I miss you, Aunt Holly. Very much. But I’m moving on now. Thanks to you, I can do that.”


Charlie wasn’t sure what the hell she was doing. Not just here, but what she was to do if she wanted to bid on something. Abby and Amy had talked her and Rayne into coming up to this auction today to fill out their homes. She thought they had nice homes, but what did she know about being wealthy? Not a single thing.

The man she’d been sort of following was helping another man in things that he should bid on and how much. She had also learned not to take the first amount that the auctioneer put out there. It was only a starting point.

“Hello.” She looked around when the man she was following spoke to her. “You haven’t any idea what you’re doing, do you?”


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