Watson - Kathi S. Barton Page 0,14

watching the looks on their faces when they realized they weren’t going home, but to a larger facility.” He thought about what he’d said. “I’m sorry. Booker. That was really insensitive of me.”

“No. I would love to watch it. As I said, I have no feeling whatsoever about my mother. I don’t think I have for a very long time.” The door opened behind them, and the realtor asked if Booker wanted to see any more of the house. “No. I’ve seen enough. Tell the bank, who I know owns this place, that I’ll give them fifty cents on the dollar for what is owed in back taxes and nothing more. The house has been on the market for far too long for someone to pay what they’re asking. Also, they’ll give me a short-term loan for the balance, or I’ll pay cash for the house, and they’ll not earn anything from the deal.” He looked at Wats before continuing with the woman making notes. “Also, this is a deal-breaker—I want a good deal on the surrounding acreage. I looked it up—it’s nearly three hundred acres, not including the fifty around the house.”

“I don’t think they’ll go for that, Mr. Wilkerson.” Booker told her he’d just find another house and another realtor. “All right. I’ll see what I can do.”

Wats could tell that Booker had pissed the woman off. And when she went into the house again, he asked him why he’d do that. She’d not done anything wrong that he’d seen. Booker said she’d commented that the house had several more offers on it, all of them higher than the asking price.

“She lied to you.” He nodded. “I think people hear that you’re a college professor and a chemistry one at that and automatically think you’re a nerd and know nothing about anything other than a lab. But what they don’t realize, until it’s too late, is that not only are you brilliant, but you also have a good sense of the market.”

“Yeah, that’s what gets people in trouble. Assuming.” He asked him to open the letter. “I’ve decided that I want you to read it to me, buddy. I want to feel like—I don’t know. I need to feel something about my mother instead of just this nothing void that I have about her now. Hate and love, they’re two sides of the same coin if you’re not careful.”

Wats opened the envelope, and something fell out. Picking up the napkin that was covered in blood, he put it on his lap and read a few lines to himself before turning to Booker. He asked him if he was sure he wanted to hear it.

“Yes. Now that I know by the look on your face that it’s as bad as I thought it would be. Go ahead. I’m assuming that’s my mother’s blood. Go on, Wats. I won’t hold it against you for what the bitch said to me.” Booker grinned. “Go on, buddy. Read it to me.”

“Dear worthless piece of shit.” He looked at Booker when he laughed. “I’m dead now, and it’s all your fault. Your father’s too, but he will have to wonder for the rest of his life why I have come to despise him so much. I’m willing to bet that he will never date again because he’ll come to realize that I was the best thing ever for him. I hope he fails as much as I know you will.”

“She certainly has a very high opinion of herself, don’t you think?” They both laughed, and it felt good. “Believe it or not, Dad just asked me yesterday if I had a problem with him dating. I told him hell no, to go for it. I think like the others, my dad has been lonely for a very long time.”

“I agree with you there. I know my dad is having a blast helping Uncle Clayton run for mayor. I think between the two of them, they’ll get this town back on track.” He glanced at the letter again. “Are you ready for more?” Booker nodded. “I’m going to kill myself. Not because I feel guilty about anything I’ve done. I do regret killing Eita. My heart does ache so badly for what I did to her. She would have taken us all as far as the White House if she’d been alive. No, I’m taking my own life because I want you to think about it for the rest of your life. How you,

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