The Warrior King (Inferno Rising #3) - Abigail Owen Page 0,91

He glanced at Amun’s hand. Sure enough, the symbol of Gorgon’s house stood out in stark prominence.

“Ours returned when he showed back up.”

Enhanced senses combined with years of honing his skills as a fighter gave Samael a split-second warning before two bodies flew at him from either side. Twisting down and under, Samael took a punch to the kidney as he spun, but his movement sent one of his attackers flying by. Hands up, feet spread and moving, he made sure to keep Amun’s body between him and Bero and the newer guard, so he only fought one man at a time.

At the same time, he kept his senses tuned around him. More than these two had to be on the way.

“You don’t want to do this,” he warned them. “I am not your enemy.”

“Come to the dungeons peacefully,” Amun answered. “And we’ll sort this out properly.”

No. This could be a trap.

Every protective mating instinct inside him went into hyperalert. What if Amun and his men had somehow known he and Meira had arrived, and they had been the ones to send up a false report of Gorgon’s return to lure him out? Separate him from her.


I never should have left her alone.

Horror gripped her in icy claws as Meira watched from the mirror in Sam’s bathroom. No way was she leaving him out there on his own without backup.

Why were his men attacking him? With Gorgon home, wasn’t that proof that she hadn’t been lying? That the man she’d killed had been a plant?

“No way. Trust has to go both ways, Amun,” Sam snarled.

Those words acted like fire in an oilfield, and all three men moved at once. In a frenzy of punches, kicks, and grappling, at speeds she could hardly comprehend, the men went at each other. As best she could tell, Sam was holding his own. The shorter one with the man-bun, not the one Sam had called Amun, went flying backward thanks to a kick to his chest, knocking into the third younger guy, allowing her mate to face off against Amun, taller than him but lankier. In a swift maneuver that involved a grunt of what sounded like pain, Sam had him in a headlock.

Man-Bun and Youngster jumped back up, rushing them, but Sam swung Amun around, using his body as a blockade even as he rammed his knee into Amun’s face over and over. He appeared to be gaining the upper hand, except two things happened at once.

Amun broke his grip, and a shadow from outside her field of view rushed him.

“No!” Meira yelled. Only she wasn’t affecting the mirror in a way that he’d hear her warning.

Sam managed to jump back just in time, and the fight continued.

Needing to be closer, she scrambled up on the countertop to put her hands to the mirror and pressed her face in to watch the action, with her heart trying to fly out of her throat and jump into the fray.

Trust me, he’d said.

To what? Get himself killed? She knew why he hadn’t gone with his men to the dungeons to sort things out. She’d seen the dawning suspicion in his eyes. That Gorgon’s supposed return might be a trap to lure them out of hiding.

If that was the case, it had worked.

Samael’s face, covered in blood from his nose, which she hoped wasn’t broken, gave him a gruesome appearance. But he kept swinging, his back to the glass door leading outside as he fended off the three men, moving and maneuvering so that he only took on one at a time as much as possible.

If she hadn’t been so damn terrified, Meira might’ve appreciated the skill her mate displayed. No wonder they’d made him captain. She’d heard of his skill in the air as a dragon, but he was damn impressive in human form, too.

Another two shadows flickered at the edge of her view, and two more men joined the fray. No way could he stand up against five. In less than a minute, he went down as the three men coordinated their attack like hyenas taking down a lion so they could steal the kill.

Fear pumped adrenaline through her like a giant needle had been plunged into her heart. Only one thought got through the noise. She had to help him. Desperate, Meira let the image go for a second and shifted it to Kasia’s mountain, searching as fast as she could.

“Come on,” she gritted through clenched teeth. “Where are you?”

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