The Warrior King (Inferno Rising #3) - Abigail Owen Page 0,86

would have guessed that would be you.”

She nodded. “I think my mother is who taught me that I can be both. I can use numbers and analytics to help me make decisions or figure out a best path. But when it comes to the world around us, I believe we only find peace with kindness.”

Even in the change he’d seen her go through these last days, finding her footing and her confidence, she still hadn’t lost that innocent kind of faith that things could be better if she tried hard enough. He’d do his damnedest to make sure she never lost that.

“I will be so proud to have you as my queen,” he said, then kissed her. “And our children, when they come, couldn’t ask for a more wonderful mother.”

“Children,” she whispered, eyes sparkling. “That sounds…lovely.”

“Yes, it does.” He pressed another kiss to her lips, loving how she lingered and clung. She hummed low in her throat, a sound of pure contentment.

If only they could stay here forever. Happy. Safe.

Samael reached into the pocket of his pants. “Before we go, there’s something I’d like to do…” Would she take this the way he intended? Nervous wasn’t a feeling he was used to. But some small corner of his heart still wondered if she’d chosen him because she really believed they were meant to be mates, or because she had to.

“What?” Meira watched him with curious anticipation.

Samael held out the ring he’d found on the floor of her room, the orange of the amber stone catching the firelight. Meira’s lips opened in a silent gasp.

“I found this.”

She lifted her gaze to his. “It was my mother’s. We pooled our money and bought it for her as a gift when we had to leave where we’d been staying. A place Mama had liked more than most. A memento for her.”

“Will you wear it now? As a symbol of our mating?”

Meira didn’t smile but held out a hand that trembled slightly. Once the ring slid home, she lifted her hand to stare at it. “I’ll never take it off.”

“You’d better be joking,” Skylar snapped, her expression about as shocked as Meira had ever seen from her unshakable sister.

Ladon’s reaction wasn’t much better. His crossed arms dropped to dangle at his sides, a thunderous glower descending.

“We are mated,” Meira repeated.

With a shake of her head, Skylar set to pacing.

A small growl escaped Samael, but Meira put out a hand as he stepped forward, stopping him. “Please don’t ruin this,” she pleaded softly. “Just wish us happiness and luck and many blessings upon our union.”

Skylar stopped in front of the mirror, seeming to take in Meira’s expression and her need, then grimaced. “You are right, of course. I just…” She shook her head as though trying to access thoughts that weren’t coming. “You caught me by surprise.”

Ladon seemed to reset at his mate’s words, recrossing his arms. “Congratulations,” he said. “Was this for political advantage, or—”

“I believe we’re fated,” Samael said.

Meira honestly still wasn’t sure that was a thing, not for phoenixes, but it didn’t matter either way. She’d wanted him, had been an unraveling mess over the idea of losing him. He was hers now, and she was his. “Samael is next in line for the black throne, and now with a phoenix as a mate, we are hoping to reunite the clan. We will go to Ararat today.”

She waited for another round of shock, but neither blinked at the news. Which meant Sam’s rightful place had become common enough knowledge. That might help.

“No.” Skylar slashed a hand through the air.

“This is our decision,” Meira pressed, and Skylar startled.

Her sisters had a tendency to take her acquiescence for granted, because she’d always gone along with their plans. Not this time.

“Not a lot of information is coming out of Ararat.” Ladon stepped in. “It’s gone quiet and not in a good way. Separately, we are getting reports of riots and other violence within the mountain. Dragons leaving in greater numbers daily. Disappearing. It’s not safe.”

Meira looked to Samael. She didn’t even need to search his expression. Clearly there in the darkness of his eyes lay a hard resolution. They were of one accord when it came to this next step.

Samael took her hand. “The Black Clan needs a leader, or the situation will only continue to degrade. We’re going.”

Skylar and Ladon exchanged their own glance and silent communication. Then her sister sighed and faced them. “When?”

“Now,” Meira said.

Skylar closed her eyes, resignation flitting across her Copyright 2016 - 2024