Warrior Fae Trapped (Warrior Fae #1) - K.F. Breene Page 0,60

a dozen ways. So no, serious is not in me right now. Maybe later.”

Devon deflated. Charity had finally defeated him, and she wasn’t even trying.

He climbed out slowly before walking around the SUV and lifting her out, gentle despite his earlier freak-out. “In that case, let me point out that you scratched and dented my Range Rover.”

“Wrong, sir. Your Range Rover scratched and dented my head. And I hold a grudge.”

“I have a Red Bull in the fridge. You might drink that. It’ll help. There’s some stuff in the freezer, plus we always get pizza after a mission. Food always helps when I change too often, or need a boost of energy.”

“Genius,” she said sarcastically. “You know so much.”

Devon gave her a lighthearted squeeze as they entered the house. A moment later, he deposited her in the recliner as the whole pack watched.

She froze while trying to get comfortable. “What?”

“They also apologize for leaving you on your own, even though it was on my orders,” Devon said.

“Oh. Well, let’s not mention it to Roger. He’ll just call me in, and then I’ll have to sit in his presence. No thanks.”

“Roger’s okay,” Andy commented, patting the couch next to him.

She laughed at him. “I had a vampire proposition me with money and unearthly pleasures, and you think I said no to him so I could snuggle up to you?”

Andy shot her an award-winning grin. “I’m just that awesome.” He patted the couch again.

Charity rolled her eyes. She did get up, nearly laughing at Andy’s flash of astonishment, before hobbling off to the kitchen, using the walls to stay upright. “I’m hungry.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

Devon glanced at Macy as Charity made her way out of the room.

“Follow her,” he said. “She’s weak, though she won’t admit it.”

“Admitting it would be overkill,” Macy muttered as she got up.

Dillon balanced his elbows on his knees. Quietly, he asked, “Is she for real? Did she really chase off an elder?”

Devon gave a condensed version of the story, not leaving out Charity’s heroics. Or the fact that the vampire had propositioned her. When he’d finished, Dillon leaned back in his seat. Andy blew out a breath as Rod stood and started to pace.

“What’s the big deal?” Yasmine asked. “I get propositioned by vamps all the time. Tonight, for example.”

Devon ran his hand over his face, biting back a harsh reprimand for the juvenile question. Some alphas didn’t share details with their subordinates.

“Newbies and lower-level vamps easily give in to their baser desires. They need blood more often, and blood and sex go hand in hand. A pretty girl is extremely pleasing to a new vamp, if he used to be a straight male. Anything that bleeds becomes pretty to a mid-level vamp. But an elder doesn’t feed often. It doesn’t need to. Which means it doesn’t care as much about sex. They live for politics and business. Making money in the Brink and navigating around the elves in the Realm. It eases their boredom.

“But Vlad’s actions tonight were strange. He recognized her, which means she made a lasting impression on him the first time they met. He must’ve smelled us, yet he left his child unchecked and in danger so he could frolic with a human. That isn’t done.”

“He doesn’t think she’s human anymore, I guarantee it,” Rod muttered, looking out the window, probably in hopes the pizza man had snuck up on them.

“Good or bad?” Devon whispered.

“Way bad, bro,” Andy answered. “Way bad. She made sunlight…stuff in the middle of the night. That has got to be abnormal, right? I’ve never even heard of that!”

“You wouldn’t have heard of cutting your toenails, either, if Macy didn’t harp on you about it.” Rod snickered.

“Think Roger knows she can do that?” Dillon asked Devon.

“Knows I can do what?” Charity entered the living room, holding a steaming plate. The simple task looked to be too much for her. Macy trailed her with a concerned expression, carrying two more plates. “Or were you talking about another freak of nature?”

“Make sunlight at night,” Dillon answered.

Charity wobbled as she set her food on the coffee table. Andy hopped up and steadied her.

“I’m good.” She waved him away, and then sighed as he helped her into the recliner. “I’m not sure if Roger knows,” she answered once she was settled. “I did it when I came out of the mansion in a blind panic. He was charging me…or maybe the creature behind me, so he must’ve seen it then. I know it was him

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