A Warm Heart in Winter - J.R. Ward Page 0,21

sorry,” Luchas mumbled. “Did you tell me exactly what happened to my brother? I cannot recall. Lately, the pain has been making me fuzzy.”

As Blay hesitated, the male shook his head. “So it was in the field, was it not?”

“He is okay now.”

“You all protect me from things I very well know exist. The monsters are out from beneath my bed, dearest Blay, and not only has it been as such for quite some time, ne’er shall they return thereunder. I live with them in my head.” Luchas touched his temple. “I can assure you that there is no fact pattern you can report that comes close to what dwells here in my mind. Especially as my brother appears to have bested whatever attempt was made upon his life.”

Blay cleared this throat. “He was stabbed. In the stomach.”

That stare returned to the OR’s closed door. “He must have been in such agony.”

“He was . . . but he handled himself.”

“Of course he did. Survival is a learned trait that comes through the mastery of suffering. My brother suffered in our household for all of his most vulnerable years, so yes, he can get through any kind of pain. Endurance is what he learned to do best.” Luchas’s head relowered into its downward position. “On the other hand, I am not like my brother because I was not like him. I was nurtured and therefore have no strength. Or purpose, for that matter.”

“You are well loved here, Luchas. There are many who care for you.”

“Take care of me, you mean.” That prosthetic foot made a reappearance. “My needs far outstretch my contributions, I’m afraid.”

“That is not true.”

“And what exactly have I done for the race of late? Or any of you?” Before Blay could respond, Luchas shook his head. “Forgive me. I do not mean to sound churlish. It is just that Qhuinn is the male our parents should have found virtue in. Outward appearance is, after all, a very thin margin of judgment for character, is it not.”

“You are more than—”

“More than this broken mess?” Luchas indicated his body and then held up his hand. It was missing several fingers, courtesy of that asshole Lash. “You know, there are times when I believe this was all meant to be. My exterior frailty is simply a reflection of my internal failings. I have become aligned with my nature.”

“That’s not true.” What else could he say, Blay wondered. “Please know, it will get better.”

Luchas’s face registered the ghost of a smile. “It is apparent why my brother loves you. I quite believe you mean that.”

“I do.”

Those gray eyes lost their focus, as if the male were seeing something that only existed in his mind. “Alas, my future is what it is.”

“So much has changed, though. I mean, everything is different.”

“Not from what I witness. The glymera may be lesser in number because of the raids, but they are just as great as ever when it comes to censure. I lurk online amongst them and see what they do. As it was, so it continues to be.”

“You don’t need to have anything to do with them. You’re a part of this community now, and with us, you have a future that is not bound by all those discriminations and rules. I mean, look at Qhuinn. Look at how far he’s come, he’s not only a Brother now, but he’s been promoted to the private guard of the King and—”

“I’m sorry.” Luchas stiffened. “What did you say?”

Blay frowned and looked around. Like the tunnel was going to help him out, though? “Ah, Qhuinn was elevated to Wrath’s personal guard. I thought . . . didn’t you know that?”

“No. I’m afraid I did not. When did this occur?”

“That’s not important—”


“A little while ago?” Blay phrased it as a question, even though there was no lack of clarity around the date. Clearing his throat, he tried to smooth things over. “I’m sure he meant to share the news with you.”

“Indeed.” Luchas stared at the door to the OR. “As if being appointed to protect the King and First Family is something that easily slips one’s mind. ’Tis only the most venerable, august, and respected position within the race.”

“Qhuinn is a very brave fighter.”

“Of that I am very aware. And allow me to affirm that if there was e’er an individual to deserve such an honor, it is he. I am happy for him, and I can guess why he failed to bring it up. Quite a

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