A Warm Heart in Winter - J.R. Ward Page 0,110

over responses. And in the end, he went with: “Yes.”

Because his brother had been killed in the raids. That was not a lie. And was he really prepared to tell her the whole true story?

“What happened to him?” she asked. “How did he pass?”

“It was natural causes.” Or a snow murder, depending on who you asked.

“You look like him.” She smiled wanly and then swept him from head to toe with her eyes. “Well, you’re different, too.”

“I am. But I loved him and he loved me.”

Anna Sophia cleared her own throat. “He was easy to love. He was such a good man. I am . . .”

“Here,” Blay said, leaning forward with his handkerchief.

The woman took what was offered and patted at her face. Then she was quiet for a long while. Just as Qhuinn was about to jump out of his skin, she spoke again.

“We met when I was taking a night class in English literature here at the college.” She unfolded and refolded the kerchief. “He was in the same class. It ran from six to nine in the evening for twelve weeks.”

That sounded like Luchas, Qhuinn thought.

“Luke sat in the back. So did I. I didn’t think I belonged, and oddly, neither did he. Which never made any sense to me. He was so brilliant. He was just . . . special.” She stared off into the distance. “It started with a hello. And then a smile. He was . . .”

When she didn’t go on, Qhuinn prompted, “He was a wonderful male.”

“I need to be honest with you.” Her eyes flashed across the space. “I was married at the time.”

There was a moment of silence, as if she were waiting to be judged. When Qhuinn just nodded, she sighed and traced Blay’s monogram with her fingertip.

“I was not looking for anyone.” She shook her head. “My husband and I married young. I was very career focused back then, keeping my own name, determined to go far in the law. Basile was very handsome and looking for a wife. As they say, the days were long, the years short, with two kids, two careers. Eventually, I knew he was having affairs, and I found out about his then current one because one night, I followed him to a ‘work event.’” She did the air quotes around the words. “I can remember sitting in my car and watching him escort this woman into the restaurant. Oddly, I knew the marriage was over because I didn’t feel anything. There was nothing. Here.” She paused as she rubbed over her heart. “We have two beautiful children. Elle and Terrie are the best thing to come out of those nineteen years together. But I knew Basile didn’t love me anymore, if he ever had. I knew I didn’t love him anymore, if I ever had. And truly, he’s not a bad man. He’s just . . . who he is—and I know this all sounds detached, but I spent too many years angry. I’m not doing it anymore.”

“That sounds healthy,” Qhuinn said softly.

“Luke was the one who helped me see it that way. We would have coffee after class. He was a total gentleman. He never . . . he never took things further than that, and neither did I. But that time with him, it changed me. After the class was finished, we continued to meet at restaurants or libraries. We would talk for hours and I lied to my husband about where I was. I told him I was taking another class. I’m not proud of that, but I knew what he was doing on his own time. I guess that made it . . . easier.”

Anna Sophia smoothed the handkerchief on her knee. “It went on for a year. Until I told Luke I was getting a divorce. I’d finally decided to talk to my husband and just . . . be real about where we were. Basile put up a fight, but not for long. I think he was relieved? It was hard on us to keep pretending everything was okay in front of our girls.” She looked up sharply. “I told Luke I had no expectations about him and me. I didn’t need rescuing. He seemed surprised by my announcement, but we set another date for a week later . . . I waited for two hours at the restaurant. He never showed up.”

“When was this?”

“It was August. Three and a half years ago.”

Qhuinn looked at

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