The War Priest (Ars Numina #5) - Ann Aguirre Page 0,8

town in comparison.”

Joss grinned. “No, that would be Daruvar.”

Garven offered an easy smile in response. “Fair point. You want to meet some of the others? Callum will be busy with Renna for a while. She’s trying, but she finds him…” Garven grimaced, as if he couldn’t find the right word and settled on, “Difficult.”

“Who is she?” She probably shouldn’t indulge her curiosity, but she was fascinated by the beautiful woman who made Callum look so conflicted, impatient and gentle at the same time.

Garven leaned in close, as if to impart some gossip, and that sharpened her interest to absurd levels. “She’s the one Beren was trying to bond with before he died. He’d long wanted a direct heir, not his sister’s son, but it never worked out with his first mate.”

She’d known that Beren was a widower. “It seems that Callum doesn’t quite know what to make of her.”

“True enough. She’s not quite his relation, but not exactly a stranger either. And I suppose it’s no news to you that he’s no patience with delicate situations.”

“When you have only a hammer, all problems look like a nail,” she suggested.

Garven laughed. “Just so. You’re as witty as you are pretty, fair one.”

That was a charming compliment, and she smiled to acknowledge that, but Garven didn’t make her heart quicken. Nobody had, no matter how kind or charming they were, until she saw Callum McRae at the first conclave. She tried not to watch him surreptitiously because that was a bit creepy, but it was tough. Her eyes kept skating back in his direction, until she made a point of turning her back.

Don’t watch him. Don’t be pathetic. You’re not here for him. You’re here to lift the soldiers’ spirits. That’s all.

“You said something about meeting the others?” she prompted.

Garven introduced her around to those who had accompanied Callum to Daruvar. Most of the names and faces slid away, but she did recognize the two women who had accused her of eavesdropping in the courtyard at Daruvar. Emilia was the taller one, broadly built with a ruddy face and orange hair while Trini was small, compact, and dark-skinned with pretty braids and bright brown eyes.

“I hope you’re worth the scolding we get over this,” Trini said, laughing.

Smiling, Joss made small talk, silently wishing she had a heavier coat. Though it was spring, it wasn’t exactly warm. None of the bears seemed to mind.

Against her volition, her gaze went to Callum, and she saw the precise moment when he recalled her existence, for his entire countenance darkened, and he leveled a hard stare in her direction, then he came at her like a storm. The crowd parted for him on two sides, and everyone seemed to be holding their breath. Apart from Garven, Trini, and Emilia, nobody had acknowledged or greeted her. It seemed that Callum ruled with an iron fist, or at the least, they feared displeasing him.

“You can’t be here,” he snapped.

“Yet I am here. From my observations, departure will not be an option until the Golgoth are defeated.” A rumble of support came from the bears milling nearby, as if her pronouncement heartened them. Encouraged, she went on, “You might as well be a good host and give me a tour, for I’m not going anywhere.”

Callum had no parameters for responding to such an ultimatum.

In the order, people respected authority. They followed the rules. And here in the hold, most were terrified of him, stemming from his thunderous appearance if not for anything he’d actually done. They lived in fear of him erupting in a ferocious rage, but what they didn’t understand? He’d joined the damned order to get that part of himself in check and he’d succeeded too.

Now he had a fearless little lynx glaring at him with green eyes snapping sparks, and everyone was waiting to see if he’d tolerate such behavior. Only she wasn’t part of his hold, and he didn’t have the right to demand respect from her. Hell, Ash Valley wasn’t even allied with Burnt Amber anymore, so he’d look a right and proper ass if he started shouting about the deference due to him.

All too conscious of their audience, he managed not to react to the provocation of her tone, which must be intentional. Callum clenched his jaw and spoke with difficulty. “That is certainly true enough, but I’ve little experience being gracious, so brace for disappointment.”

“Your best is always good enough,” she said in such a gentle tone that her voice hit him Copyright 2016 - 2024