War of Hearts (True Immortality) - S Young Page 0,22

on the chances she wasn’t at full strength from Ashforth’s mysterious concoction and apprehend her now.

He was already throwing open the car door before his mind had come to a conclusion. Conall was considered patient for a werewolf but today his patience was nonexistent. He didn’t want to be around Thea Quinn any longer than he had to be.

After striding upstairs to the hostel, it dismayed Conall to see a common room near the reception busy with a group of young people chatting and laughing. Too many witnesses. He felt curious eyes follow him as he passed.

The receptionist took in Conall with a frown as he towered over the desk, and he could smell his slightly musky scent of fear.

“I need a room.”

The young man nodded and stammered in broken English, “Do you have identification?”

To leave no trace of his presence, Conall reached into his wallet and pulled out a bundle of zlotys. He slapped them into the receptionist’s open palm. “That’s my ID.”

The musky smell thickened, but the boy nodded. “Name …”

“John Smith.”

He typed into the computer behind his desk and then turned to a locked cabinet of keys. Not meeting Conall’s eyes, he handed over a key and told him his room number and directions.

He could give a fuck which room he was staying in. He only cared about finding Thea’s room.

Marching away from the reception and prying eyes, Conall bounded up the stairs to the next floor, feeling Thea’s presence grow stronger. Anticipation flooded him, making his heart pound and his hands flex. Glancing down through the drop between the railings, Conall realized he could take this back staircase to the exit without having to go through reception.


The hallway on the next floor was empty. Conall tried to move his hulking figure as quietly as possible. He stopped outside the door of the room at the farthest end of the corridor and rested his palm against it.

Thea was behind the door.


Grabbing the door handle he gave it a jarring tug and heard the lock break. Conall strode inside, coming to an abrupt halt at the sight of Thea in fighting stance, facing him.

She held her fists up to her face like a practiced boxer, her knees bent.

Exasperated at the thought of delaying their journey with a fight, Conall swung the door shut behind him and crossed his arms over his chest.

Her olive skin was a little pale, her features strained from the obvious painful toll the mysterious drug had taken on her body. Dark circles were still visible beneath her wide, tip-tilted eyes. She was still weak.


“I have no wish to fight you.”

Thea grunted. “You’re trying to kidnap me, and you don’t expect me to fight back?”

“Are you capable of fighting in this state?”

She narrowed her eyes. “I could kick your ass any day of the week, Wolf Boy.”

A growl erupted from him before he could stop it. “Call me that again and see where it gets you.”

“I’m not afraid of you.”

Conall tested the air and realized he couldn’t smell any hint of fear from her. Huh. Maybe that should give him pause.

It didn’t.

“Listen and listen carefully.” He took a step toward her and her lush lips pressed tightly together. “I’m no ordinary werewolf. You can run from me, Thea, but I’ll always be able to find you. So let’s give into the inevitable and not make a big deal out of this.”

Thea let out an incredulous laugh and Conall tensed at the musical sound. “You’re delusional, Wolf Boy, if you think I’m going anywhere without a fight.”

If she called him that one more time, Conall was afraid he’d shift right in front of her. He tried not to curl his hands into fists, giving away his mounting anger. “I’m not kidding. How do you think I found you when others have failed? How do you think I found you here? I hear you have talents, abilities … well, you’re not the only one. I have your scent, Thea Quinn. You’ll never be able to run from me again.”

She studied him a moment, perhaps trying to deduce if he was lying. She wrinkled her nose. “Well, that’s not creepy.”

Ignoring her sarcasm, he gestured to the door. “Let’s go.”

Conall waited, studying her impatiently as she considered him in return. As her soulful eyes wandered over his body, an electric awareness shivered through him, reminding him of the call of the full moon.

Ashforth was right. She was a dangerous creature in more ways than one.

She relaxed her fighting stance,

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