War of Hearts (True Immortality) - S Young Page 0,142


Deciding honesty was the best policy, Thea sighed. “I just realized I’m not as strong anymore.”

“And that applies to what we’re doing how?”

She narrowed her eyes at his obtuseness and flushed. She couldn’t believe he was making her say this out loud. “What if … what if it’s not the same because I’m not as strong?”

Conall seemed stunned by the question. And silent.

Very silent.

Thea’s cheeks burned with embarrassment.

He finally answered, but not with words. He thrust inside her, pleasure shooting down her spine, tightening in her belly, tingling down her legs. Conall wrapped his hands around her wrists, his expression taut with desire as he rocked against her in slow, deep glides that pushed her toward climax.

“Heaven,” he grunted against her lips, “fucking heaven, Thea. That’s all I ever feel when I’m inside you.”

“My love for you is infinite, Thea Quinn.”

Thea gasped, remembering. He’d whispered that in her ear when she was dying.

She pushed against his hold on one of her wrists and he immediately released her, sliding a hand down her chest to caress her breast. Thea reached up to cup his face, smoothing her thumb over the scar on his cheek. “Your love for me is infinite.”

His eyes flashed. “You remember?”

Thea nodded. “I remember. I remember your voice in the dark.”

Conall groaned and kissed her, his thrusts quickening until they were moaning and panting into each other’s mouths. They came together, Thea’s legs tightening around his waist as he relaxed into her, his head buried in her neck.

“Thank you for saving my life, Chief MacLennan.” She smoothed her hands over his wide shoulders.

Conall lifted his head, his expression serious, his gaze making her breath catch. So much love. No one had ever looked at her with such love and adoration. “I would go to the ends of any world to keep you with me … Thea Quinn MacLennan.”

Her heart fluttered. “MacLennan?”

“It’s your name now, if you’ll have it.”

Thea’s answer was to tighten her legs around him, and push up and over, forcing him onto his back so she could straddle him.

She grasped his warm length in her hand, watching his nostrils flare. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he groaned, hardening in her grip.

Oh, but it was good to be mated to a supernatural.

“It’s a hell yes.” She braced her hands on his shoulders, feeling him pulse where she wanted him most. Thea pushed down on his length to ride him. She rode him with a fierceness that made it feel like their hearts might explode in unison, proving that it wasn’t the strength of her body that made their lovemaking so passionate, but the strength of her love for Conall.

Thea was sure her cry of release and his roar resonated around the entirety of Loch Torridon, announcing her official arrival as the alpha’s mate.

And Thea wasn’t entirely wrong, much to the dismay of Callie MacLennan, in bed with James a few houses away.

“That was something I really didnae need to know about my brother.”

James pulled her into his arms, laughing hard in a complete lack of sympathy.

Callie grumbled, snuggled deeper into his warmth, and covered her ears.

“What are you doing?”

“Preparing for round three.”

The beta shook with renewed laughter. Despite not wanting to hear anymore of her brother’s lovemaking, Callie couldn’t help but smile. Her brother may have tainted her ears but she was alive because of his bonnie mate, and tangled naked in the arms of her soon-to-be husband.

She supposed she couldn’t complain.

However, when the third round of alpha-on-alpha lovemaking could be heard in the distance, complain Callie did, muttering under her breath about her brother’s indecent appetites until James rolled her onto her back and promised he’d make her moan loud enough to drown out the alpha couple.

It was a promise he kept.

Butterflies fluttered in Thea’s belly, but it wasn’t fear. It was nervousness and anticipation.

To say Conall was not happy about the recent turn of events was an understatement, but as she met his gaze in the crowd encircling her, he gave her a stoic nod of support.

Inside she knew he was probably desperate to tear Richard Canid’s head off and be done with it.

The murmurings of the gathered Pack MacLennan grew an octave, and they parted as Peter Canid led his son and daughter and three of their warrior wolves through the crowd.

On the opposite bank of Loch Torridon there was a little cove of beach that for some inexplicable reason was host to pure golden sands. This was where Pack MacLennan had congregated

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