Wanted by Her Lost Love - By Maya Banks Page 0,51

thought I would.”

The sudden silence was damning. He stared at her, completely frozen. He had no defense because at the time he’d believed Jarrod. He’d made his choice and it hadn’t been Kelly. Even when she’d begged him. She’d told him the truth. She’d come to him for protection. She’d come to him hurt and afraid. And he’d thrown her out after making her feel like a whore. All because he couldn’t imagine his own flesh and blood committing such an atrocity. It had appeared to him that it was everything Jarrod said it was, a ridiculous accusation to hide the sin of her infidelity.

His eyes burned. His throat swelled and knotted. For the first time in his life he was faced with a situation where he had no idea what to do. She had every right to hate him.

She put a hand to her head and rubbed. She swayed and then bent over as if she was about to fall. “Kelly!”

He went forward, but she jerked upright again and thrust out a hand to ward him off.

“Just stay away,” she said in a low, desperate voice.

“Kelly, please.”

It was his turn to beg. And God, he would. He’d do anything to make her stay long enough that he could make it up to her.

“I love you. I never stopped loving you.”

She lifted her gaze again, her eyes drenched with tears—and pain. “Love isn’t supposed to hurt this much. Love isn’t this. Love is trust.”

He moved forward again, so desperate to hold her, to offer the comfort he had denied her when she’d needed him most. Anger and sorrow vied for control. Grief welled in his chest until he thought he might explode. Rage surged through his veins like acid.

She put her hand to her head again and started to walk past him. He caught at her elbow, anything to stop her, because he knew in his heart she was going to walk away. He didn’t deserve a second chance. He didn’t deserve for her to stay. He didn’t deserve her love. But he wanted it. He wanted it more than he wanted to live.

“Please don’t go.”

She turned back to him, sadness so deep in her gaze that it hurt him to look at her. “Don’t you see, Ryan? It can never work for us. You don’t trust me. Your family and friends hate me. What kind of life will that be for me? I deserve more than that. It’s taken me long enough to figure that out. I settled again, when I swore I’d never do it. I agreed to marry you. Again. Because I was so in love with you and I believed that we could move forward. But I was a fool. Some obstacles are insurmountable.”

She closed her eyes as another spasm of pain crossed her face. And she swayed, her hand flying out to brace herself against the dresser.

“Kelly, what’s wrong?” he demanded.

She rubbed her hand across her brow and opened her eyes, but her stare was unfocused. “My head.” A sound like a whimper escaped her and he knew that something was wrong. Something beyond the emotional distress she was experiencing.

Her face took on a gray pallor that alarmed him. Panic flared in her eyes and just for a moment she looked to him for help.

Before he could react, her knees buckled and she slid soundlessly to the floor.



Ryan dropped to the floor. His immediate reaction was to gather her in his arms, but she was rigid and her body convulsed. Light foam gathered at her lips and her jaw was tight. Frantically he reached for his phone and clumsily punched 911.

“I need an ambulance,” he said tersely. “My fiancée. She’s pregnant. I think she’s having a seizure.” He knew he didn’t make sense. His heart and mind were screaming even as he tried to stay calm. The 911 operator asked questions and he answered them mechanically as he leaned over Kelly, desperate to help her.

After a moment her body went slack and her head lolled to the side. He put his fingers to her neck, praying that he’d find a pulse. He laid his head over her chest, listening and feeling for air exchange.

“Don’t leave me, Kelly,” he whispered desperately. “Please hang on. I love you so damn much.”

He lifted her limp hand, the one that bore his ring and pressed her palm to his cheek. He kissed the skin, his breaths coming in ragged, silent sobs. He’d never been more scared in his life.


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