Wanted (Amanda Lance) - By Amanda Lance Page 0,58

to do that?” he asked.

“Probably not,” I whispered back.

He shrugged. “Okay.” He threw in one black chip.

Ben became quiet, contemplative. “You all have so much to learn.” He tossed in one black chip and two green chips.

“Switch out, anyone?” Yuri asked.

Charlie leaned into me and I felt a shiver come on. “After the first bet, everybody takes a draw. You can switch out two cards or keep ‘em. But don’t let nobody see.”

I nodded and slid a single card across the table, trying to look like a professional. I imagine it was a fairly pathetic attempt.

Reid drew his cards and so did Charlie and Ben. The plastic chips started piling up on the table like colorful little centerpieces.

Polo began pounding his feet against the steel legs of the table. “Hey! Hey! Hey! Now it’s getting interesting!”

“Damn,” Yuri said. “I fold.”


Ben put out the remainder of his cigar. “Take it easy, Polo.”

I was having a very hard time not giggling. The uneasiness I felt was fleeting as I watched them come to life. Ben, Polo, Yuri, Reid, and Charlie were full-grown children. I thoughtfully put my chips in the pot and kept my face blank. I looked back at my cards and re-questioned my strategy. I hoped being an amateur would excuse how badly I was about to embarrass myself.

After a moment of studying his own cards, Charlie considered his options. “I fold.”

Ben straightened in his chair and looked back and forth from the plastic chips to his hand. I tried to decide if that meant anything similar to how Reid started using two hands to hold his cards and put his elbows on the table. It was difficult to multitask here and not be distracted by the smug way Charlie leaned back in his seat and rested his hands on his abdomen. The way he watched me was aggressive now, and although I couldn’t say I didn’t like it, I couldn’t help but wonder what it meant.

Ben offered the same amount into the table’s center. He wouldn’t take his eyes off Reid’s cards—his only real perceived threat. The two locked eyes and sent some silent warning we could all sense.

“Ah geez! I guess I fold!” Polo whined and threw his cards down.

Charlie laughed and leaned against me. “What are you gonna do?”

I raised my eyebrow and shielded my cards. “Raise.” I threw in an additional red chip.

“Well, goddamn. What do you know?” Yuri and Polo started cackling simultaneously and Ben put in his bet.

After a slur of profanities and throwing his cards across the table, Reid decided to fold. “I hate you bastards.” He then took out his anger by kicking Polo’s chair and shoving him to the ground.

Charlie tossed him the pack of cigarettes from his back pocket then bent to help Polo up. “That’s the sportsmanship we all know and appreciate!”

I wanted to laugh and join in, but Ben was staring me down. Strangely, it was like he was trying to read my thoughts, boring a hole directly into my head. I once again got the feeling this game wasn’t very friendly—it was downright intimidating to the point where the room literally started closing in. Counting down from ten wasn’t helping. Reciting lines from sonnets wasn’t helping. I thought maybe it was just how guys behaved when in groups, but then again, maybe it was an indication of something more hostile, something more dangerous. Whatever it was continued to loom over me as Ben stared me down—warning me.

I clutched my cards, telling myself mentally over and over not to bite my lip, play with my hair, or do anything else that might reveal me as the inexperienced child I was. I knew I had an extremely weak hand, but from what I already knew about poker, bluffing was a major part of the entire game. I realized I would lose this hand and many, many more after this, but I figured I would learn from my mistakes—a trial and error kind of thing. Besides, it was fun in a suspenseful sort of way, almost like living out an action scene from a movie.

Everything went very quiet when Ben threw in another black chip. I saw Charlie tense, Reid smiled, and then nudged Yuri in the arm. Ben and I were deadlocked with our eyes on one another.

“I call.”

The smile that widened Ben’s face could have started a riot. No one looked surprised when he threw down a very handsome straight. I put my cards down one by one.

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