Walker (In the Company of Snipers #21) - Irish Winters Page 0,133

for good luck, but I’ll wager it still hurts plenty, doesn’t it?”

“I’m good,” Walker replied. Headache or not, he was going to war.

He walked out of his room and into a flurry of activity. Stewart seemed to think he was in charge, so Walker let him run the show. By then, Stewart knew everything anyway.

“Persia and Izza, you’re with me. Eric and Zack, accompany Mr. Koning back to—”

“I have a sister in New York,” Hans interrupted. “Please, sir. I’d rather go to America, if it’s okay with you.”

“Good call. You’ll be safer there. Eric and Zack, make it happen.”

Eric gave Hans a thumbs-up while Stewart continued dispensing orders. “Captain Dooley, appreciate your support, but I know you’re due back to the Iwo Jima. Safe travels and following seas, sir.”

Quinn looked to Walker. “Trust me. I’d love to put a bullet through this bastard’s head, whoever he is. Sure wish I could’ve identified the faces in those photos for you. But life on a carrier never slows down. Stay safe, Walk.”

Walker shook hands with his long-time friend. “You, too, Q. Hug Emily for me. Tell her I’ll never take her bracelet off. She’ll always be with me.”

“Good enough.” Dooley nodded a respectful farewell to Persia, then stepped back.

“Murph, thanks for letting us crash here,” Stewart said. “Jordan, you and your fiancé aren’t invited. Go home. Beau, dig into Prince Khalid and Captain Spenser Cole. I want to know everything about their friendship. Adam, keep working with Ember to locate who’s behind the deposits going into Goff’s off-shore accounts. I don’t care if you have to go to Switzerland, Germany, or the Caymans—”

“They’re in Singapore, Boss. She’s got several accounts,” Adam said, “all in Singapore.”

“Then get it done,” Stewart replied crisply. “Julio and Kruze, there’s a cab waiting outside to take you to Shannon Airport. I need you guys in Guatemala. Track down the gangs who staged the fights that enabled them to kidnap little girls. Locate Officer Bruno and Renzo, too. Make them talk. I want the name of the bastard behind this mess, damnit.”

“I’d like in on that, sir,” Smoke spoke up. “Got a lead from a sting operation in Texas. Found evidence that points to human trafficking coming north out of Guatemala. Hoping it leads back to the same person Judge is after. It’d be good to kill two birds with one stone.”

“Or a fifty-caliber round,” Stewart added grimly. “Julio? Kruze? You got a problem if Smoke teams up with you?”

“We can always use another gunslinger,” Julio replied.

“They work for you?” Walker asked Alex.

“Hell, no,” McQueen spoke up. “Smoke, Julio, and Kruze work for me. Always good to have the best on your side when you’re fighting the Devil.”

“Ryder Dahl stays with me,” Walker said. Not asked. Just in case Stewart planned to send all his men running off on errands.

Stewart’s answer came back sharp and crisp. “I don’t need a damned army on my ass.”

“Ryder stays,” Walker repeated unequivocally. “He’s my XO.” At least, he was. And him, I know and trust. You, I’m not so sure about.

“Fine, but I need the rest of your men back in San Diego, guarding the ensigns who testified against you. They might as well watch over Miss Breeze, too.”

“Are you thinking retribution, Boss?” Izza asked.

“I’m thinking we’d be stupid not to take care of the witnesses.”

“What about Trevor Duncan?” Persia asked.

“No can do,” Trevor answered gruffly. “Only got a two-day pass, Agent Coltrane. I’d love to join you guys and kick this bastard’s ass, but I’ve got to be back at Fort Campbell come morning for a training program.”

Walker had to ask. “Wait a minute. You guys came all this way just to—”

“Just to see you?” Trevor bit out. “Are you kidding? Hell, yeah.”

“From The Hague, then here to Ireland? For me? Are you all morons?”

“I told you once that you had more friends than you knew.” Julio said clearly. “Here we are.”

“Brothers,” Smoke added.

“To the fuckin’ end,” Adam growled.

“Hell, yeah!” Team 18 roared.

Walker couldn’t speak. Physically could not make his tongue work in the face of so much blatant loyalty.

Leave it to Chief Warrant Officer Duncan to save the day. “Hell, yeah, is right. I came all this way just to tell you that you’re the biggest, dumbest ass I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.” By then, he’d crossed the room and had a good grip on Walker’s uninjured shoulder and hand. “My little sister Meg thinks a helluva lot of you, Hotrod. Don’t ask me why, I

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