To Wake a Dragon - Naomi Lucas Page 0,10

him, if that’s what you’re wondering.”

“But he looked hurt and sickly! He might need food.”

I frown, a little disoriented in the darkness. There’s nothing around us but more darkness. “I know, but he’s not ours to care for. He’s a dangerous creature of the jungle, one that could sooner hurt us than accept our help, and from the looks of him, he didn’t want our help. He wouldn’t have run otherwise.” Part of me fears running into the dragon with Haime in tow. It’ll just dredge up old memories and wants again, and I don’t want Haime to see it.

My gut churns at the thought.

Haime’s half-dragon. I don’t know what it would do to her if she saw one of her kind, and in such a state. There’s no precedent for it. No one in the tribe—not even Haime’s father—thought we’d encounter another dragon once the red comet left the sky.

But it wasn’t only that, the dragon is mine. Something in me claimed him. It seems ridiculous but I felt that way. Like an invisible string attached itself from my soul to him.

“I thought a Sand’s Hunter protector was always to help those in need,” Haime argues.

“Those, meaning humans,” I correct. “Nagas aren’t human.”

“My dad isn’t human.”

I stop and face her. “Haime, that’s different. Your father is an intelligent creature, an ancient, and one able to bond with a human. He may not have been human once, but he is now. He is family.”

Haime pouts.

“No more arguing. At this rate, we won’t be back to the tribe until well after dark.”

“Then we should camp here and maybe—”


I lead her further in the direction I think the exit is, but only darkness greets us. A chill dances across my skin. At first, the cave didn’t seem like it would be so big, but now I’m not sure…

When we reach a rocky wall, I nearly sigh in relief, but soon realize there’s no ledge above, and when I look down, my feather isn’t there. I glance to either side, no idea which way to go.

“Haime, do you see anything nearby?” I ask.

She peers around. “Big shadows and rocks.”

“What about the ledge we came in by?”

She shakes her head.

“Alright,” I keep my voice calm. I pick a direction and follow it.

Haime tugs my hand. “There’s something over there.” She points ahead of us and slightly to the left. “I think I saw it when I was looking for the boy.”

I inhale and nod. “Good.” Good. Hopefully that means we’re still close to the ledge, that we haven’t accidentally gone deeper. I swear this cave seemed much smaller. I move us from the wall, in the direction Haime pointed.

“Why aren’t my eyes adjusting?” Haime asks.

“I don’t know. Perhaps it’s how deep the cave is.”

I recall the inky black smoke that came from the dragon’s scales and jewel. Could it be…? I shake my head, pushing the thought away. I don’t want to know if this darkness is something more than the absence of light.

“I can see in the caves near home.”

I fail to respond. Something appears before us, glistening and filmy. It catches the flames, and glittering light purple streaks fill my vision. It takes me a moment to realize… it’s part of the dragon’s wing.

“What’s that?”

I grab her and turn her away. “Nothing. It’s nothing.”

Waters, no. Please no. I try to lead us back the way we came.

But Haime tugs free and pushes past me. She rushes past the torch and I fling it away so it doesn’t harm her. I lose my footing and trip.

“Milaye?” she cries, and I hear the horror in her voice as I fall.

Dizziness fills me. My heart drops into my stomach. I caught myself with my palms—but my hands aren’t pressed against stone or dirt. I’m touching something smooth and silken. I look up to see Haime is touching the dragon too.

My fingers curl inward.

“It’s a dragon!” I hear her scream.

My dragon.

Heat shoots up my arms.



I’m frozen, staring at the purple sheen of wing under my hands. It twitches and then moves. My arms grow hot, burning, and I jerk back, grabbing my fallen torch and Haime at the same time.

It’s alive.

I force Haime away, and for once, she doesn’t fight me. But even though I’m no longer touching the dragon, the heat in me grows, expanding from my arms to my chest. A blast of air strikes us, sending our flames dancing. Something crashes nearby, and I grapple with Haime. Another crash, and then I hear Copyright 2016 - 2024