Waiting on a Cowboy - Jennifer Ryan Page 0,26

hands on me last night. You scared me. I don’t want to see you anymore.”

He put his hand out again to touch her, but she stepped out of his reach. “Babe, come on. I didn’t mean any harm. You wouldn’t listen.”

Anger flashed. “Are you saying it’s my fault you left bruises on me?”

“Let me take you to dinner. We’ll talk about it.”

“Now who isn’t listening?”

His eyes narrowed and darkened. “Don’t do this, Liz. You’ll regret it.”

“That sounds like a threat.” She regretted that she hadn’t listened to her intuition about those little things that niggled at her in the back of her mind before what happened last night. She wasn’t sticking around to see if even more of his real personality came out and she regretted that. Or worse.

“I’m done, Clint. No more dinners out. No more texts. No more phone calls. I don’t want to see or speak to you again.” She couldn’t make it clearer.

“Do you really think he’s changed his mind about you? He hasn’t. He just doesn’t want to share. Like I don’t want to share you with him.”

“What’s between Tate and me has nothing to do with you.”

“The hell it doesn’t. Because of him, you’re acting like this.” He waved his hand at her. Deep displeasure and annoyance filled his eyes and added lines around his frown. “Before, you and I had fun. We’d laugh and smile at each other and you’d kiss me like you meant it. We made love like we couldn’t get enough of each other.” He laid it on thick and painted a picture of a happy couple and a fulfilling relationship.

Yes, she’d been enamored by his charm and attention. She didn’t mind the make-out sessions. She could have done without the pouting and simmering anger when she denied him a sleepover. Eventually, she’d given in to her desires and slept with him. It had been a long time. She’d craved that closeness. And hoped it would make her feel closer to him. She thought it would strengthen their relationship. But he’d proven a selfish lover, leaving her unfulfilled and wanting more often than not. The other times, she’d had to make it happen for herself before he finished and promptly fell asleep.

Some guys just didn’t get it. Clint deluded himself into thinking he was the perfect boyfriend and lover. Well, she wanted someone who put her first and wasn’t satisfied until she was satisfied.

She didn’t delude herself into thinking that was Tate. She’d accepted he didn’t care for her in that way. Fine. But that didn’t mean she had to settle for Clint.

She didn’t like being alone. Who did? But having no boyfriend was far better than being scared and intimidated by Clint’s aggressive messages and threatening anger.

“Clint, I’m sorry, but I just don’t feel like you and I want the same things. Yes, we started off great, but—”

“Tate! He ruined it. He made you turn on me. Well, he can’t have you.” Clint rushed her, took her by the shoulders, hurting her sore one, leaned down, and smashed his lips to hers.

She dropped her bag, fought to get her hands between them, and pushed him away. The second she was free, she swiped the back of her hand across her mouth. “What the hell?”

He tried to pull her close again, but she struggled out of his hold and took several steps back. “Stop!”

He took a step closer.

She pointed a finger at him. “No! Another step and I scream bloody murder.”

“You’re being ridiculous.”

She spread her fingers and held her hand up to him. “I do not want you to touch me ever again.”

“Oh come on. You don’t mean that.”

“Yes. I do. Do not call me. Do not come to see me. We’re done.” She ran forward, grabbed her purse, rummaged for her keys, unlocked the car door, opened it, and rushed inside, slamming the door and locking it again. Her hands shook so badly, she scraped the key against the ignition several times before she pushed it into the slot.

She glanced over her shoulder to back out and found Clint standing dead center of her bumper glaring at her. “Move!”

“We aren’t over.”

“Move, or I’ll call the cops!” She didn’t have it in her to go another round about how this was over and done. For good. She didn’t care what he thought or said about it.

Clint’s mouth drew tight and his eyes narrowed. “I’ll see you soon.” He hesitated another second, then slowly stepped out of the way.

The second he

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