Waiting on a Cowboy - Jennifer Ryan Page 0,112

a million more with you as my partner for life and the mother of our children. I promise, no matter what comes our way, I will always be by your side. I will protect you, hold you, provide for you, and be everything and anything you need me to be. I will always love you.”

Liz squeezed his hand and blinked back tears. “I always knew I loved you. That love never wavered. It never will. You are a part of me. I will always be the one who comforts you when you’re down, the one who loves you through the ups and downs, the one who makes you laugh, and rubs your back when you’ve worked too hard. I will be your council and best friend who supports you in everything you do. I will try every day to be the wife and partner you deserve because you are the man I want, I love, I need. I will always love you,” she echoed his final vow back to him.

The justice of the peace took over again. “Liz and Tate will now exchange rings as a symbol of their commitment.”

Drake handed Tate the two rings Tate had picked out for Liz. He’d offered to give her the engagement ring as soon as he got out of the hospital, but Liz asked him to surprise her on their wedding day. Something to look forward to after all that happened.

He loved that their relationship was about them, not a ring or what he could give her other than the love they shared.

Trinity handed a ring he didn’t even get a glimpse of to Liz. She handed her bouquet off to Trinity and turned back to him with that same beautiful smile he got to wake up to every morning now.

“Tate, take Liz’s hand and repeat after me. I give you this ring as a symbol of our love.”

Tate held Liz’s hand and repeated those words and the rest . . .

“For today and tomorrow, and all the days to come. Wear it and remember that my love is always present even when I’m not.” He slipped the diamond solitaire on her finger, enjoyed the hell out of her surprised smile, then slipped the diamond eternity band on right next to it.

“Tate, they’re beautiful.” She held up her hand to admire the rings.

His chest swelled with pride seeing his rings on her finger and knowing she’d wear them the rest of her life as his wife.

“Liz, take Tate’s hand and repeat after me. I give you this ring as a symbol of our love.”

Liz repeated the vows that held a promise he not only believed but knew she’d never break. She held up a black carbide band, perfect for a guy like him who worked with his hands and didn’t need anything fancy. She held the ring up and tilted it so he could see the inside inscription.

LM loves TM

Liz McGrath loves Tate McGrath. He wondered how many times she’d written that in her notebooks over the years.

“I almost had it inscribed with Lizard’s Love.”

He couldn’t contain the belly laugh. Everyone in the crowd, including his brothers and Trinity and Adria, busted up laughing.

Liz slid the ring on his finger. He squeezed his hand and opened it, unused to wearing anything on his hands. But he’d get used to it because he had no intention of taking it off.

“Tate and Liz, you’ve professed your love by exchanging vows and symbolized your commitment by exchanging rings. Before you kiss your bride, Tate, there’s just one question I need you both to answer.

“Liz, do you take Tate to be your husband and promise to love, comfort, honor, and keep him, in sickness and health, good times and bad, forsaking all others, and be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?”

“I do.” God, her smile. It lit Tate up inside.

“Tate, do you take Liz to be your wife and promise to love, comfort, honor, and keep her, in sickness and health, good times and bad, forsaking all others, and be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?”

“I do.” He could barely contain his own smile.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. Tate, you may kiss”—Tate hooked his hand at the back of Liz’s neck and drew her lips to his before the guy could finish with—“your bride.”

Tate held the kiss, his heart pounding with joy, and his future brighter than it had ever been.

He ended the kiss by pressing his

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