Wager with a Warrior - Emma Prince Page 0,44

would be my pleasure, Lady Tessa,” Cormack said quickly, extending his hand toward the lass.

The moment Tessa took his hand, he spun her toward the others, who’d formed into two lines once more. As the dance got underway, Birdie moved to Gregor’s side and faced the dancers, ostensibly to watch and regain her energy.

But to his surprise, she murmured, “Willnae ye ask me to dance, Gregor?”

He stole a glance at her out of the corner of his eye. “I thought ye said ye were fatigued.”

“I seem to have caught my breath already.”

It was a small thing, and it meant naught in the great scheme of things, but she’d declined a dance with Cormack so that she could dance with Gregor instead. Though he willed it not to, a surge of arrogant pride rose in him at his victory over the Gunn lad.

“Then aye, it would be my honor, my lady.”

Gregor was only vaguely familiar with the dance, so he drew Birdie to the far end of the lines, where they wouldn’t have to participate in the elaborate weaving patterns taken on by the couples at the head.

When he stood across from her, he watched for a few beats to gather the general progression of the dance. Then he stepped forward in sync with the line of men, sweeping her in a turn.

“Do ye ken this dance, then?” she asked as he deposited her back where she’d begun.


“Then how do ye—”

Her question was cut off when Gregor again stepped forward, this time lifting her off her feet for another spin. When he set her down, his hands lingering around her waist. She blinked up at him, her lips parting on an uneven exhalation.

Gregor forced himself to drop his hands and step back.

“To become adept with a blade, or a spear, or any weapon, a warrior begins by learning a series of steps and maneuvers,” he said, extending his forearm. Birdie stepped forward and placed her hand on his arm. Her touch felt like a brand, even through his sleeve.

“Ye practice those maneuvers so many times that ye can do them in yer sleep,” he continued as she slowly glided around him, trailing her hand up his arm and around his back as she went.

Gooseflesh rippled under his tunic in the wake of her fingers. He had to swallow hard before he could speak again.

“It becomes easier to observe and master a series of movements—any movements—after so many years of training,” he finished as she moved to stand before him once more.

The pattern of the dance started over, this time with the turns going in the opposite direction. They moved in silence through the set, though Gregor remained acutely aware of each of Birdie’s brushing touches and the exact number of beats it was permissible to hold her.

“Are ye enjoying the feast?” she asked dully after a moment.


Her head snapped up at his blunt reply.

“Was the food no’ to yer liking, or the ale—”

“Nay, lass.” He lowered his voice, fixing her with a penetrating stare. “Ye ken why.”

“This isnae what I want,” she murmured as she moved to circle him once more. “None of this.” When she came into his line of sight again, her brows were pinched and her moss-green eyes swam with distress.

“But it is what yer clan needs.”

“Aye, but…” She looked up at him helplessly, and something in his chest cracked.

Gregor forced out a breath. “Damn it all, lass. I am truly sorry I’ve put ye in this position. I didnae see another way. But ye shouldnae have to—”

Just then, the song concluded and the dance came to an end. Gregor and Birdie stood staring at each other for an extra heartbeat before Gregor had the sense to lead her out of the open area so as not to attract attention.

When they reached the edge of the dancers, Tessa and Cormack swept up to them. They were both flushed, and Cormack wore a lopsided little grin.

“What a lively song,” Tessa said, rather breathlessly. “Ye dance verra well, my lord.”

“And ye, Lady Tessa.” Cormack bowed over her hand, then blinked and released it. When he straightened, he seemed to regain his usual formality. “Lady Roberta, would ye honor me with another dance?”

“Apologies, my lord, but I…I think I need some fresh air,” Birdie replied tonelessly. “But dinnae stop on my account. Please, ye two enjoy the dancing.”

Tessa’s flush heightened even as she made to protest.

“Truly, Tess, I’m fine,” Birdie said, anticipating her objections. “I am just overly warm, that’s all.”

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