Waffles at the Wake (Murder in the Mix #29) - Addison Moore Page 0,18

ago, I couldn’t even hear the dead. Then, as my powers grew, not only could I hear them, but they were able to move objects in the material world, and as of late they’ve hit the culinary jackpot—they’ve achieved the ability to eat.

I don’t know where that food goes. I don’t want to know. All I do know is that the ghosts that can nosh and nibble are far happier than any of the other ghosts I’ve come into contact with.

Carlotta leans her way. “Did you find him? Is the case solved?” She swats my arm. “You should have the victim come back more often. This case will be open and shut. Maybe we can avoid that mob war after all?”

Flo moans once again as she swallows down a bite and wags her finger our way.

“Not so fast. I couldn’t find him.”

“He was that hard to track down, huh?” Carlotta shakes her head. “I’m afraid he’s gone into full bunker mode on us.”

“He might have,” Flo says, struggling to admire her reflection in the tiny mirror on the wall, and sure enough, she seems to spot herself, albeit faintly—not that it would be detectable to the human eye. She turns my way. “And it’s all your fault I couldn’t find him, Lottie Lemon.” She glowers over at me with those illuminated amber eyes. “Turns out, I’ve got a spiritual noose around my neck.”

“That’s right,” Carlotta says with a touch of pride. “You’ve got to include my Lot Lot in on the action if you want this case solved.”

“I’m afraid she’s right.” I wrinkle my nose at the girl. “Flo? Can I ask why or how it is that you’ve come back? Usually it’s someone that the victim held near and dear, like a special person in their lives, but typically it’s a pet they once loved.”

She glances back in the mirror and gives her supernatural tresses a quick tussle.

“Makes sense. Who could I possibly love more than myself? Could you blame me?”

My mouth falls open.

Florenza Canelli loved herself the most. Of course, it all makes sense now.

“Look at these lips?” She puckers up for Carlotta and me. “I didn’t have to get them augmented like Lorena.” She gives a sly smile as she blows herself a kiss in the mirror. “And my hair is—was naturally curly, so I didn’t have to pollute it with all those chemicals like Donata. Face it, I was the best of the best. Whoever did this couldn’t take all my glory.” She turns our way with her eyes red as fire. “And whoever did this to me is going to wish they could take my place.”

“What do you mean whoever did this to you?” I narrow my eyes over her. “I thought you said it was Nicky Knuckles.”

“Now, now”—she takes another hasty bite out of the cruller in her hand—“I didn’t say I was sure.” She shrugs. “Now that I’ve been given some time to think about it, there might be another contender or two in there. You can’t have all of this”—she waves her hand up and down her nonexistent body—“and not have a couple of people angry with you.”

Carlotta nods. “You had some serious enemies.”

“You watch it, Spider.” Flo jabs a finger at my bio-mother the arachnoid. “You’ve got some enemies, too, you know.” A smile glides up one side of her face. “Aunt Caterina let me in on a secret or two.”

“What?” Carlotta barks so loud the metal mixing bowls on the island vibrate to the tune of her voice. “Cadillac swore she’d take my secret to the grave.”

“What secret?” I shoot Carlotta a suspicious look. Oddly, I don’t believe there is one. Either that or it has something to do with her penchant for hoarding ketchup packets in her bedroom.

“It’s nothing, Lot.” Carlotta looks flustered as if it very much were something. “It has something to do with—uh, my love of—”


She slaps her hands together before touching her nose and pointing my way. “You’re good at guessing, Lot.” She shoots Flo a mean look. “And she’s even better at sending spirits like you right back to that poltergeist party in the sky.”

Why do I get the feeling Carlotta suddenly wants to send Flo packing? Not that I object. A mob war could take us all down in the crosshairs, and I’ve got my sugar cookie to think of now. Nobody wants this case closed more than I do. Except maybe Flo.

“She’s right.” I nod to Flo. “How about we start asking

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