The Waffle House on the Pier - Tilly Tennant Page 0,66

– we hardly know each other. I don’t want a one-night stand from you; I like you too much for that. I want to see you again and I don’t want to wreck my chances by doing something tonight that might make you rethink things in the morning. You understand? And you have to believe that it’s taking some serious willpower to say this so that means I really do like you – a lot.’

She gave a slight shrug. She could understand it, though that didn’t mean she wasn’t a little disappointed and even more frustrated. But she loved that he had so much respect for her and that it meant so much to him to see her again.

‘You’re right,’ she said finally.

‘Home then?’ he asked. ‘It sounds like the coast might be clear now.’

‘It does,’ Sadie agreed. ‘Kiss me again before we go to see though.’

‘I don’t think I can – I might explode. And I don’t know if this amazing willpower I’m exerting right now could withstand another kiss like you give. I’d crumble under the pressure.’

Sadie giggled, and though she desperately wanted that kiss she didn’t press him any further. ‘Come on, then,’ she said, taking his hand this time to lead him back out onto the beach.

The promenade was deserted now – it looked as if Melissa and Declan had either walked pretty fast to get to the other end or they’d veered off to take one of the many cliff paths back to wherever they’d been headed.

* * *

The walk back was much quieter. The night air was mild and still and scented by the broom and gorse that grew alongside the cliff road as they walked it, the sea down below breathing in and out. By the time they’d reached the point where Sadie felt it was no longer advisable for Luke to be with her, she’d sobered considerably, enough to see that he’d been right to refuse her a night at his place and for her to start wondering what the hell had been going on between Declan and Melissa.

She glanced at Luke, walking alongside her. For a moment he caught her eye and smiled.

‘Alright there?’

‘Yes,’ she said, and her heart skipped a little. She liked him. She was beginning to think that she might like him more than she’d liked anyone since Declan – at least, the early signs were good. But if the gossip about her and Declan was out there, and if Melissa got to hear about it, did that mean eventually Luke would get to hear about it too? Luke interrupted her thoughts.

‘Is that your place?’ he said, stopping on the road. Maybe a quarter of a mile away Sadie saw her parents’ house, lights burning in an upstairs window but the rest of the house in darkness. It looked as if Henny and Graham were on their way to bed and Gammy had probably turned in long before.


‘It’s nice. Good spot up here. Must be worth a bit.’

‘Probably, but I’ve never really asked. I think Mum and Dad had help paying for it.’

‘From family?’

‘My mum’s parents. They’re much posher than we all are.’

He laughed. ‘I’ll remember that if I ever have to meet them.’

‘God, I would never let you meet them; they’re hideously snobbish! You wouldn’t want to see me again if you thought I was related to people like that!’

He hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her close to kiss her. ‘I don’t think so,’ he murmured before his lips touched hers.

‘I wouldn’t risk it,’ she whispered back as they broke off. She smiled up at him.

‘When can I see you again?’

‘I have absolutely no social life, so whenever you want to.’

‘Tomorrow night?’


‘I have no social life either.’

‘We’re a good pairing then. Tomorrow night it is. What time?’

‘What time can you be ready?’

‘Depends how much effort I have to put in.’

‘Come as you are – I like spontaneous you.’

‘I probably ought to shower first – you must have noticed I smelt like waffle batter tonight.’

‘Maybe I like waffle batter.’

‘As much as you like burgers?’

‘More…’ He kissed her again and she wanted nothing more than to melt into his arms and stay there. But then he let her go and smiled down at her. ‘Can I have your number?’


‘You have mine, so I think it’s only fair.’


She pulled out her phone and he keyed her number into his own before stashing it back into his pocket.

‘Goodnight,’ he said, and he began to walk back down the Copyright 2016 - 2024