The Waffle House on the Pier - Tilly Tennant Page 0,63

suddenly start liking you a lot more around here when they find out you can fix their leaky roofs.’

He laughed as he reached for his beer.

‘So, this and that,’ she continued. ‘What’s this and that?’

‘I don’t just take on contracted work now; I invest a little here and there, buy to sell, that sort of thing.’

‘You were right, I started to glaze over when you mentioned investing.’

‘I did try to warn you. Even I think it’s boring and it’s how I earn my living.’

‘So what’s not boring to you?’

‘Being on a date with someone who’s incredibly attractive and makes me laugh into the bargain.’

Sadie blushed. She picked up her burger, mostly to hide her face, and took a great bite, causing relish to squelch out and drop onto her plate.

‘Even when she’s doing this?’ she asked through a mouthful.

‘Oh, the burger just adds an extra layer of sex appeal. I did say I couldn’t get enough of burgers, didn’t I?

‘So, you have a pub and a beach here. What else do you do for fun in Sea Salt Bay?’

Sadie put her burger down and wiped her mouth. He might have said he found her eating her burger sexy but she wasn’t taking any chances.

‘There’s the amusement arcade and the fairground rides on the pier – not exactly high-octane but families like them. I expect you’ve seen those, though. The bay here is really shallow and safe – that’s why so many people dive here…’

He grimaced and she laughed.

‘Maybe no diving for you just yet. And I guess hiring boats is out of the question now too.’

‘Yes, I think it might be wise to stay away from boats for a while.’

‘We’ve got a donkey sanctuary on the cliffs a couple of miles along the coast – Sweet Briar, I think it’s called. It’s very cute anyway.’

‘Not really my thing, I’m afraid. I got bit by a horse once.’

‘But they’re not horses.’

‘They look enough like horses to put me off.’

‘Oh, well there’s a seaside postcard museum.’

‘Even less my thing if I’m honest.’

‘Hmm, it is a bit crap to be fair but the tourists like it. There’s the chip shop, ice-cream parlour, bingo hall…’ She looked at him. ‘I’m not really selling this place, am I?’

He laughed. ‘I don’t need you to sell it to me; I’m already sold – I have a house now, remember? I just wondered what there is I might be missing out on.’

‘Well…’ She paused, and then inspiration struck. ‘Midsummer there’s always a firework party on the beach – that’s always fun.’

‘Sounds like it. So that’s…’

‘A couple of weeks away. Not too long to wait now. Will you go?’

‘Will you go?’

‘Everyone does. And let’s face it, if you live in the bay you might as well because you’re sort of subjected to it whether you like it or not – you can see it and hear it from more or less everywhere in the town.’

‘So, now you’ve told me what there is to do, what do you do for fun, aside from snorkelling?’

‘Me?’ Sadie took up her burger and gave it a daintier nibble this time. Actually, putting it like that, she realised that the answer was not a lot. It felt as if she’d forgotten how to have fun these days, outside of family pursuits at least. She’d go out on the boat with her parents, go swimming or diving with Kat or Ewan and the kids, maybe walk the beach, but that was about it. Sometimes she’d meet with Natalie and Georgia for a drink, but even that wasn’t as often these days. These days she spent far too much of her time worrying about a future she couldn’t yet see and regretting a past she couldn’t change. ‘This is pretty fun,’ she said. ‘Being here with you.’

‘I’m glad to hear it. So I might be in with another date after tonight?’

‘You never know.’ Sadie raised her eyebrows and he laughed.

‘I’m going to take that as a yes because I don’t think my poor heart could take your rejection.’

‘I would say yes, but I’ve got to retain a little mystery, haven’t I?’

‘Mystery is overrated. I prefer people to say what they mean – it usually works out better in the end.’

‘OK, one hundred per cent yes then. I’d love another date. Is that direct enough for you?’

He grinned. ‘That’s more like it.’

* * *

Despite the ample food to mop it up, three more pints of beer had left Sadie a little tipsy when Vivien had eventually Copyright 2016 - 2024