The Waffle House on the Pier - Tilly Tennant Page 0,61

first – he drew so many incredible pictures of her. But after she’d had me she put on a little weight and he told her he’d have to find someone else to draw because she wasn’t the right shape anymore.’

Sadie’s frown deepened.

‘I know,’ he said, reading her thoughts in her face. ‘It was cruel and I don’t think my mum ever really got over it. And apparently Dad couldn’t have a muse and not sleep with her. So, you see…’

Sadie’s mouth dropped open.

‘Yes,’ he said, laughing and without a trace of bitterness in it. ‘He was an arsehole of the highest order and, no, I don’t really care for him all that much if I’m honest. I saw how it all left my mum and I didn’t much like it.’


‘Are you shocked? Sorry, was it too much too soon?’

‘It’s just… well, I was expecting more along the lines of “It has a nice pier” or “I like the beach.”’

‘Oh yes,’ he said, laughing again. ‘It does have a nice pier and I do like the beach. All of those things are true. And I do have a lot of happy memories of this place from before my parents split.’

‘Do you see your dad now?’

‘Not often. He moved to Majorca with her’ – Luke made speech marks in the air with his fingers – ‘where the light is better. I pop over at Christmas and I try my best to get along with everyone but I find it quite gratifying that my mum has aged far more gracefully than either of them have.’

‘So he’s still with the woman?’

‘Yes, so at least he didn’t throw his marriage away on a fling, I suppose. I guess he must have loved her.’

‘And you,’ Sadie asked, ‘you never…?’

‘Married? No. A few close calls, of course. By thirty-five most people have had at least one, haven’t they?’

‘If it’s not too personal, what do you mean by close calls?’

His expression closed. It was so sudden and jarring that it threw Sadie completely. She half expected him to stand up and walk out.

‘I’m sorry…’ she began, but he put up a hand to stop her.

‘You have nothing to be sorry for. I should have expected you to ask questions like that – it’s only natural given that we’re here together now. It’s just…’ He let out a pained sigh. ‘It’s just that something happened and I still find it hard to talk about.’

‘You don’t have to. I shouldn’t have asked.’

‘You had every right to ask. If it matters to you then—’

‘No.’ Sadie shook her head. ‘When you’re ready. I can’t say I’m not mad with curiosity but I’m happy to wait until you’re ready to tell me.’

He nodded. ‘Well, anyway, that’s why I never married.’

Sadie wondered whether the way he referred to marriage, rather than simply to settling down or moving in with someone, was because marriage had been on the cards for him, and she wondered what on earth could have destroyed that hope – because looking at his face it was clearly something he’d hoped for once. But she’d meant what she’d said: she didn’t want to force a confession from him of that sort – not while this was all so new between them – and part of her wondered if she wanted to know just yet. What if it was something that would put her off him? She was really beginning to think that she liked him a lot, and she really didn’t want to hear something that would change that so she turned the conversation back to her own life (not that it was all that much safer) and she tried to make it light again, hoping the moment would pass.

‘My family are always complaining that I haven’t settled down yet,’ she said.

‘I’d have said you’re far too young to worry about that.’

‘Try telling my family that.’

‘How old are you – if that’s not an impertinent question?’

‘It’s not, and I’m twenty-six.’

‘Twenty-six. I can’t pretend I’m not a bit jealous – I wish I was still twenty-six.’

‘My brother says you’re too old for me.’

‘Your brother says a lot of things…’ He shook his head. ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound… I realise he’s just looking out for you.’ And then he gave a cheeky smile. ‘So, this conversation where your brother is telling you I’m too old for you… when did this happen? More to the point, why?’

It was Sadie’s turn to smile, but it was less cheeky and more sheepish. ‘I guess he Copyright 2016 - 2024