The Waffle House on the Pier - Tilly Tennant Page 0,108

incident, Luke had christened it, the first being the boat accident that had caused them to meet) she hadn’t spoken to Melissa, and to Declan only in passing. But Melissa would have known what had passed between Sadie and Declan that night because, Sadie assumed, Declan would have told her everything in a bid to fix things with her. Well, almost everything. Sadie hoped that some things they’d said that night would forever stay just between them because they weren’t for anyone else to hear and nobody else would really understand them. Some of the things they’d said might cause a lot more problems if other people got to hear them too.

As the men exchanged pleasantries, Sadie broke off and went over to Melissa, who’d just left Declan’s mum to cut some lettuce.

‘Hi,’ she said. ‘How’s the barbeque going?’

‘Oh, it’s early yet,’ Melissa said. ‘I expect we won’t be able to cook fast enough in a couple of hours.’ She paused, thoughtful for a moment. Sadie waited for what might come next, aware that anything was possible right now and wondering if she’d be ready for it. ‘You’re with Luke Goldman now?’


‘And it’s going well?’

‘I think so.’


Sadie wanted to ask if things were OK between her and Declan but she didn’t dare because she didn’t know what that would unleash.

‘I think I owe you an apology,’ Melissa said.

‘You really don’t.’

‘No, I do. I told Declan that he wasn’t to speak to you again and that was wrong. It’s just… you have no idea how hard it’s been knowing that you two had this special bond. I’ve always felt like the face at the window, you know?’

‘Well,’ Sadie said. ‘If there are apologies to be given, then I owe you one too. I should have respected that things had changed and that we couldn’t be like we were anymore because his priority should have been you. I gave him up all those years ago and he moved on…’ She shrugged. ‘I guess it took me a while to deal with the fact that I couldn’t just come back and have everything the same as it was before I went. He loves you more than life itself and it was always going to be you.’

‘He told you that?’

Sadie nodded.

‘Wow…’ Melissa shook her head. ‘I don’t know what to say.’

‘There’s no need to say anything. I just wanted you to know. I hope maybe we can be friends now. Of sorts, anyway.’

Melissa gave a small smile. ‘Sure. I think that would be OK. And if you… you know, if you feel the need to talk to Dec once in a while…’

‘Thanks. I’ll try not to make it too often if I do.’

Melissa looked at the salad spread out before her, still waiting to be prepared. ‘We’re not ready yet but… can I get you something to eat?’

‘Not just yet, but thanks. I’m sure we’ll be popping back later. Burgers happen to be Luke’s favourite food.’

‘Right. So we’ll see you later.’

Sadie smiled and turned to rejoin the others. Declan gave her a curious look but he didn’t ask what she’d discussed with Melissa. Perhaps he’d been reassured by the fact that they’d both been smiling as she’d walked away.

‘I’d better get back to it,’ he said. ‘I’ll see you later?’

‘You can count on it,’ Luke said. ‘Those burgers look amazing.’

‘Oh, they are,’ Ewan said. ‘Dec’s dad makes them every year and you’ve never tasted anything like them.’

As Declan went to rejoin his parents on the barbeque stand, Ewan went to chat to Henny, Graham and April, who were standing with Vivien from the Ship. Luke slipped his hand around Sadie’s and smiled down at her. ‘Doing a bit of fairy-godmothering over there, were you?’

‘How did you know?’

‘Just a wild guess. And have you fixed everything?’

‘I don’t know about that. I’ve done what I can to put her mind at rest, but there are some things only they can fix. I hope I’ve done enough though.’

‘You care about him a lot, don’t you?’

‘Yes, but before you get all jealous I’d just like to remind you of some rather vigorous exercise we enjoyed this afternoon before we left your house to come here.’

‘House? It’s more like a building site. It’ll never be finished if you keep coming round with your distractions.’

‘You can always tell me to leave.’

‘You’re joking, right? That’s never going to happen.’

Sadie grinned, but then she heard a squeal and saw Natalie and Georgia rushing over to them.

‘Look at you! Where have you been Copyright 2016 - 2024