Vivid Avowed (Evelyn Maynard Trilogy #3) - Kaydence Snow Page 0,74

more information first. I so badly wanted to go there myself—meet someone else like me.

But for right now, I was exactly where I needed to be.


We spent another night at the Manhattan apartment, then most of the next day at the hospital with Alec. He slept through most of it. The doctors assured us he was in the clear, but I just wanted to be close to him, hold his hand, even lie down in the bed next to him. I wanted to be there for him just as he’d been there for me when my mother died and I thought I was alone in the world. How wrong I’d been.

Much to Alec’s ire, the doctor decided to keep him for an extra night. The next morning Tyler headed into work, and Ethan, Josh, and I drove home to Bradford Hills with an entourage of armored vehicles. Alec would be released that afternoon, and we wanted to get home ahead of him to make sure we had everything set up for his recovery.

But we were so spent we ended up piled on the couch, curtains drawn, and spent the morning watching movies and eating takeout.

Around lunchtime, Josh started flicking through live TV channels to see what was on. I was trying to decide if I needed to pee badly enough to move—I was ridiculously comfortable.

Ethan was reclined in the corner of the big, soft couch, his body slightly turned inward, a cushion half over his lap. Josh had his head on the cushion, the rest of his body spread out. I was squished between my blond bombshell boyfriend and the back of the couch. My head rested in the crook of Josh’s shoulder, and one of my legs was hitched over his hips.

Ethan was running his hand through my hair absentmindedly. I was so relaxed I couldn’t even be bothered to cover my mouth as I yawned. It was a big one, stretching my jaw wide.

Ethan’s hand in my hair stopped. As my yawn ended, I unexpectedly closed my teeth and lips around his finger.

My hand flew to his as the two of them cracked up laughing, making me laugh around Ethan’s digit too. But I couldn’t let him off that easy. Still struggling to contain my giggles, I tightened my grip on his hand and held his finger hostage with my teeth.

I wrapped my lips around Ethan’s finger and sucked.

Both their laughter died in their throats, and I felt their full attention on me, on my mouth.

Excruciatingly slowly, I dragged Ethan’s finger out, lightly scraping it with my teeth, then swirling my tongue around the tip. He groaned and Josh gripped my thigh, pulling my leg higher over his growing erection.

I sucked Ethan’s finger back into my mouth while rolling my hips against Josh.

I had no idea how the energy between us changed so fast, but I was drunk on it. I loved hearing Ethan groan when I was barely touching him. I loved feeling Josh’s arousal pressing into my thigh. Witnessing the effect I had on them made me feel powerful. Loved, safe, and powerful.

I drew Ethan’s finger all the way out of my mouth and, with Josh’s help, drew myself up, straddling him.

That heavy, needy feeling was building deep inside me, and I rubbed myself up against Josh, seeking the friction that would both ease and intensify it. With Josh’s hands on my waist, I leaned up. Ethan met me halfway and kissed me passionately, his tongue invading my mouth.

Josh trailed his hands up my sides, pushing my sweater up, and Ethan broke our kiss to yank it completely off and throw it to the ground. He leaned back in and started kissing and sucking on my neck. I moaned and turned my head to the side, giving him more access as Josh grabbed my ass, his hips rolling under me to meet my movements.

But with my head turned, I caught a glimpse of the TV and froze.

It was turned down, but the rolling script at the bottom said “Live,” and Davis Damari’s ugly face filled the screen as he walked up to a podium overflowing with microphones. There were those eyes, the same shape as mine; my full lips; a more masculine version of my nose.

“Stop,” I murmured, a cold chill dousing my desire. But they were caught up in the moment. Josh’s hips were still pitching under me, Ethan’s mouth still nibbling on my neck.

“Stop.” I put more force behind the word that time, pushing Copyright 2016 - 2024