Vivid Avowed (Evelyn Maynard Trilogy #3) - Kaydence Snow Page 0,133

closing my eyes. For a few moments we just sat in silence, breathing the steamy air and letting the heat warm us from the inside out.

I cracked one eye open and laughed. All four of them were staring at me, lips parted, gazes hungry. As if they didn’t see my boobs on the daily. As if I hadn’t had a threesome with Alec and Josh the night before. As if Ethan hadn’t woken me that morning with his fingers sliding inside me. As if Tyler hadn’t joined me in the cramped little shower afterward.

It was as if they couldn’t get enough. I couldn’t get enough of them either.

“I’m getting lightheaded.” Ethan kept his deep voice low, but it echoed anyway.

“That’s because you’re freakishly tall.” Tyler chuckled. “Your head is higher and therefore hotter.”

“No.” Josh’s eyes hadn’t left my body. “It’s because Eve is sitting there completely fucking naked like the goddess she is.”

I smiled but didn’t reply, instead closing my eyes again. I wasn’t embarrassed or self-conscious—I had nothing to hide from them anymore—but I wasn’t exactly used to receiving constant compliments either.

“Maybe you should step outside,” Alec suggested.

“Nah . . .” Ethan didn’t elaborate.

“Then here, cool down a bit.” Josh leaned over me to turn on the little tap, his arm brushing against my breasts in what was clearly a deliberate move.

I rolled my head to the side, curious. The sink didn’t have a drain, and Josh turned the tap off once it was full. Then he picked up a little metal bowl sitting next to it, scooped up some water, and flung it at Ethan.

Ethan didn’t even flinch, but his shoulders shook in silent laughter. “Refreshing.”

The sound of splashing in the opposite sink pulled my gaze to Alec. He shut the water off and dipped his hands into it instead of using the bowl, sloshing some onto his forehead.

He dragged his hands down his face and pinned me with his icy stare, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees. The movement made the towel slide down, exposing dark hair and just a glimpse of silky-smooth skin lower still.

I turned to the side and copied him, scooping some cool water into my hands and splashing my face with it. Refreshing droplets trickled down my neck, dripped off my chin, ran down my chest. Alec’s gaze followed their progress, his eyes drinking in every detail of my body. I could practically feel the caress of his eyes even from the opposite side of the room.

“What’s the stage thing for?” I gestured to the tiled octagon in the middle of the room, looking for something to distract me from Alec’s lascivious stare.

“Traditionally, bathing was a ritual as much as it was a part of daily routine,” Josh explained. “People would take their time in a hammam. Usually an attendant or masseuse would provide an olive oil scrub and use a Kese mitt to exfoliate. That platform in the middle—the göbektaşı—is where most of the bathing, scrubbing, and massaging takes place.”

“Why do you know so much about this?” Tyler chuckled, scooping some water with the bowl and splashing himself with it. Now it was me watching droplets cascade down his chest, following their path down his abs and past the tantalizing V at his hips, and seeing them get absorbed into the towel that would come away completely at the lightest tug. My fingers twitched, but I kept them on the bench by my side.

“It’s history.” Josh shrugged. “I find it interesting, and the library had a book about the cultural and historical significance of bathing houses, so . . .”

Tyler smiled, a glint entering his gray eyes. “Why don’t you give us a demonstration then?”

He nodded at the platform, then swiped his hair off his forehead. Even wet from the water he’d been throwing on himself, it still managed to get in his face.

The grin Josh flashed him was downright wicked. “Great idea.”

But it was Ethan who stood first, not even trying to grab at the towel. “If we’re spending more time in here, I need a drink of water, and I need to turn the steam down or I’ll pass out.”

“Good thinking.” Josh nodded as he stood too, coming to stand directly in front of me. Apparently we were all abandoning our towels now, because suddenly I had a half-erect dick in my face. Not that I was complaining. I licked the moisture off my lips and looked up at him.

The sound of the door closing behind Ethan Copyright 2016 - 2024