Visions of Skyfire - By Regan Hastings


“This book has it all: romance, adventure, witches, magic, and immortal hunks.”

—Jennifer Lyon, author of Night Magic

“Regan Hastings provides a powerful but dark thriller. The story line is fast-paced with deep characterizations that make the Awakening of magic seem real. However, it is the underlying social issue of burning the Bill of Rights that makes this a terrific cautionary tale.”

—Alternative Worlds

“Hastings launches a troubling and darkly riveting new Awakening series…. This series starter begins laying the foundation of an intricate mythos that promises exciting future exploration. Good stuff indeed!”

—Romantic Times

Also by Regan Hastings

Visions of Magic


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To my father, who taught me a love of history.

To my kids, who taught me that imagination is the

nation we all belong to.

To my readers, who make it possible for me to write the

books I love.


Once again, there are too many people to thank and not nearly enough room to accomplish the task. So I’ll keep it short and sweet—

A big thank-you to my friends, the best plot group in the world: Susan Mallery, Kate Carlisle, Christine Rimmer, and Teresa Southwick. Thanks for always bringing me back on track when I start taking those interesting detours. I love you guys. And to Jennifer Lyon, amazing writer and wonderful friend, another thank-you for some truly brilliant suggestions.

To agent extraordinaire, Donna Bagdasarian, thanks for your belief in me and my books and for working every bit as hard as I do.

To my editor, Kerry Donovan, a big thank-you for your hard work, your confidence in this series, and for some really great brainstorming phone calls! Another thank you goes to Claire Zion and everyone at Signet for their support of this series—and to the art department for the most amazing covers I’ve ever seen.

Thanks again to the Wiccans I keep going to with my questions and concerns. You guys are great and I really appreciate the support and, again, the understanding that my book is fiction and that sometimes “facts” are just a jumping-off point.

And as always, thanks to my family for their patience, their love, and their understanding when I’m on deadline and I forget all about the “real world.”

Chapter 1

Teresa Santiago opened her arms to the sky as if welcoming a lover. The storm raged overhead and its energy and power filled her like long-dammed water rushing onto a floodplain. She felt it all and gloried in it. The sweep of sensation, the pulse of strength.

Lightning flashed and its charge slammed into the ground at the feet of the Copyright 2016 - 2024