Visions of Magic - By Regan Hastings Page 0,56

have this tattoo?”

“Yes,” he said, bending now to flick his tongue across the tip of her nipple. “And each branding will be unique to that witch and her Eternal. Each of you will be marked according to your karma.”

“And what about you?” she asked, struggling to hold on to her thoughts despite the fact that Torin had taken her nipple into his mouth. “What do the Eternals get from this, besides a matching tattoo?”

He stopped what he was doing, pulled his head back and blew a gentle stream of air at her breast. The dampness from his tongue, followed by his soft breath, caused a shiver of chill delight on her skin. “We become one with the other halves of our souls. We stop merely existing and begin to live.”

His tongue stroked the tip of her nipple and Shea sighed. So much had changed in her life so fast that it was almost impossible for her to imagine that it was her life anymore. She looked down at his mouth on her breast and sighed again as another tiny red flame erupted from inside to appear just beside the first of the branding.

She was part of something now.


There was no going back. There was no altering her decision even if she wanted to.

Already, Shea could feel herself changing. It wasn’t just the tattoo, burning itself into her skin. It was something more elemental. More basic.

As she accepted who and what she was, the woman she had tried so hard to be—the everyday, ordinary middle school science teacher—fell more to the wayside. She wasn’t ordinary.

And she wasn’t going to pretend she was, ever again.

Not even to herself.

Chapter 28

Rune felt the wash of magic in the air. Sanctuary was close.

Thank the gods. Eight hours in a car with a curious, frightened little girl and her mother and grandmother were almost more than an Eternal could take.

Amanda hadn’t stopped talking since they left Vegas in the predawn hours. Her mother, Terri, was the opposite. Hardly spoke a word. But Terri’s mother had kept up a near constant litany of rosaries and prayers all along their route.

Their emotions and fears were battering Rune’s energies, eating at them like water on rock. He’d be glad to have this chore over and done with. Battling evil and searching out Awakened witches were beginning to sound like a damn vacation.

“Damn it.” He stomped on the brake, sending the SUV into a skid that had it sliding sideways on the narrow mountain road.

“You’re not supposed to cuss,” Amanda told him from the backseat.

“What is it?” her grandmother asked, fear ratcheting up her voice until it sounded as squeaky as an old gate.

“A roadblock,” Terri muttered from the front seat, sliding a quick look at Rune.

“That’s what it looks like,” Rune told her, then said, “Quiet. Everybody.”

Even Amanda closed her mouth. Not really surprising, since the child’s world had come tumbling down around her over the last week. She was probably ready for another crash to hit. And, he thought, it might have.

Boulders lay strewn across the road, blocking passage. At first glance, it looked as though it was just a rockfall from the mountainside. But Rune didn’t trust it. Seemed bloody convenient for a landslide to hit just before the boundaries of Sanctuary.

“I’ll check it out,” he told them, his voice soft but determined. “You three stay in the car.”

He reached for the gun on the seat beside him and pulled the slide back, sending a bullet into the chamber. Whoever was out there, they wouldn’t be taking Terri and her family back. Not without a fight, anyway. He had magic as well as bullets to draw on and he wasn’t above using either of them.

Before he could open the car door, though, women dropped from the trees. At least a dozen of them. Some simply jumped down to the road; others slid along ropes that snaked from higher branches like tentacles.

“What the . . .”

“Rune—” Terri shrank back in her seat and threw a guilt-filled glance at her daughter. “Whatever happens, save Amanda.”

“Nothing’s going to happen to any of you,” he muttered, keeping his gaze locked on the women stalking ever closer to his car.

Some of them held automatic weapons and looked way too comfortable with them. Others held their hands out, palms up, invoking magical powers and preparing to use them. He sensed the magic in all of them and knew he was dealing with witches.

The question was, were they reasonable or were they more apt Copyright 2016 - 2024