The Virtuous Ward - By Karla Darcy Page 0,9

am, coming to our new home," Amity apologized to the ring of interested faces.

There was a murmur of low-voiced encouragement before Cartwright extended his hand to help Amity to her feet. She murmured her gratitude as she and Muffin, followed Mrs. Trilby to the stone steps that swept up one side of the main hall. In her exhausted state she could not begin to focus on the myriad portraits that lined the stairs and the hallways they traversed. When the housekeeper stopped in front of a carved oak doorway, Amity sighed with relief.

"Lord Kampford said you were to have this room, miss."

As the door swung open, Amity emitted another sigh, this time of deep contentment and tiptoed across the exquisite oriental carpet. The room was square except for one corner where a rounded wall of windows jutted out from the building. On the one side she could look out at the rambling rooftops that towered above her and, on the other side, the gardens were spread out for her view. The four poster was hung with a billow of white material stitched with tiny violets. The windows were swathed in the same fabric and the walls were covered with a pale lilac silk. Whirling she turned to the housekeeper.

"I've never seen such a beautiful room, Mrs. Trilby. I know I shall be very happy here."

The housekeeper's face softened at the glowing look of the young girl. She was like a breath of spring, blowing through the old hall. It reminded her of how it used to be when Lord Max's mother was alive. For ten years there had been no laughter within the cold stonewalls of Edgeworth. A shadow crossed the older woman's face and she cleared her throat before she was able to speak.

"Will your abigail be following you, miss?" Mrs. Trilby asked.

"No, she, uh." Amity hesitated, unwilling to lie. "I didn't have an abigail to bring. You see, I've never had one."

"Never, miss?" The housekeeper looked astounded at this information but quickly recovered and ventured a suggestion. "Never mind, Miss Fraser. I'll take care of everything. While you're here, Emily's the girl for you. Good-hearted as a nanny for all that she's twenty. Has a brain in her head and a magical way with hair."

"She sounds wonderful," Amity said in relief.

"Of course, I'll have to ask his lordship's permission," the housekeeper reminded the young girl, "but I'm sure he'll agree to the arrangement. For now, miss, why don't you take a little lie-down and I'll send Emily up in time to get you ready for dinner."

"Thank you, Mrs. Trilby. For all your kindness," she said to the startled woman who blushed, bobbed a curtsy and exited with a surprised look in her eye.

As she closed the door after the housekeeper, Amity looked around the room for Muffin. The lumbering beast had taken possession of the chaise longue along one wall. The brown fur looked ludicrous against the lilac and silver satin, but Muffin appeared contented with his long pointed muzzle resting atop a fringed throw pillow. Amity kicked off her half boots on her way to the bed and sank onto the counterpane, unable to exert the energy necessary to undress. Snuggling into the pillows, she closed her eyes, delighted that the bed did not buck and heave like the motion of the carriage.

Sleep evaded her as her mind began to wonder what the evening ahead would bring. She had been surprised that Lord Max had not met her himself. As her guardian, Amity thought he might have extended the courtesy. But then she knew so little of the ways of the upper classes despite the fact she had been born into their ranks. In fact she knew almost nothing about her guardian. From things her governesses had said, Amity had learned that Lord Maxwell Kampford, was heir to a vast fortune. He owned a house in London and several large estates but Edgeworth was his preferred residence. From things left unsaid, she gathered that he was considered a prime catch on the marriage market but preferred his relationships among the muslin trade. For the rest she would have to wait and see what his sudden interest in her meant.

Lord Kampford's letter had arrived out of the blue and Amity was thrilled to discover her presence was requested at Edgeworth. Although the missive contained no specific information, there was much speculation at Beech House. While the servants and her latest governess/companion Miss Endicott packed her clothing, Amity met Copyright 2016 - 2024