The Virtuous Ward - By Karla Darcy Page 0,72

it so long. I was not positive you would come to your senses before it was too late."

"I was not as perceptive as you, Cousin Hester," Max said as he rose. He crossed the carpet and helped the little woman out of her chair. Much to her surprise and obvious gratification, he leaned down and kissed her wrinkled cheek. "Perhaps you would care to take a lie down while I talk to Amity. In fact, I would not be surprised if Muffin is not in need of a rest after such a fatiguing assault on our ears." By main force he managed to get the sleepy dog to his feet and practically carried him to the door. Panting from the exertion, he turned to Hester. "Perhaps we might all gather later for a celebratory dinner," he said as he eased the chaperone and Muffin out the doors.

"A splendid idea, dear boy," Hester said, eyes sparkling as she nudged the reluctant dog into the hall.

As the doors closed behind Cousin Hester and Muffin, the smile faded from Max's face and he turned to stare at Amity who was looking stunned by the proceedings. He rocked back and forth on the carpet, his hands behind his back, as he debated how best to broach the subject. He found no difficulty in discussing the aborted betrothal but he had no idea if it was too soon to mention his own feelings.

Amity was mystified by the conversation between Lady Grassmere and her guardian. As she peeked at Max from behind lowered lashes, she acknowledged his nervousness but also detected an expression of mischievous satisfaction. Her eyes narrowed as she thought back over the events of the afternoon. She blinked in surprise at her sudden suspicions.

"Why did you do it?" Amity blurted out into the silence.

"Do what?" Max's face was expressionless, his eyes guarded.

"Why did you sabotage the tea party? You sent me that note knowing full well that I would be overcome with nervousness at the mere thought of knocking something over," she accused. "Then you made all those provoking comments about sticky buns and my extravagance. And furthermore you knew the cat was in the sewing basket. Did you put her in there?"

"Well yes," he admitted and waved his hand dismissively. "But it was just an experiment."

"A what?"

"An experiment," he repeated as if speaking to a child. "I wasn't sure that you knew enough about Paige to make the best decision. I thought this might help you see a little clearer the kind of man you would be marrying."

"I thought you wanted me to marry Bancroft."

"I did. For awhile. But the more I thought about it the less the idea appealed to me. On the one hand, he is well fixed financially and of course has a blameless reputation. On the other, he has little humor, is stuffy and has an impossible sister. After giving the situation, a great deal of consideration I decided that you would not suit."

"I see," Amity said, although she did not understand at all. She stared across at Max, surprised at the way he fidgeted beneath her glance. He seemed ill at ease, a far cry from his usual composure and poise. "Why didn't you tell me you had decided that I shouldn't marry Bancroft?"

"I wasn't sure you would believe me," Max said, moving a step closer to the settee. "Besides I wanted you to see for yourself what kind of a situation you would be letting yourself in for if you accepted his suit. His sister runs that entire household, Bancroft included, and you would have found yourself caught between the two of them."

"I was already aware of that," she said.

"And you would have married him anyway," Max snapped in exasperation.

"Yes." Amity's eyes fell under the angry green gaze of her guardian.

"That's just what I thought. But why were you willing to marry him, knowing what kind of existence you would lead?" Max's voice took on a wondering tone.

"I told you once that I wanted to have a family."

"Fine family Bancroft would have given you. Ophelia would take over the care of any children you might have. I am sure Sister would not have approved of your methods of raising them. Brother would side with her, as the great arbiter of the Paige family traditions. And then where would you be, my girl?" He moved several steps closer and waited for Amity's response.

"I never thought of that," she said. She raised her head and there was a Copyright 2016 - 2024