The Virtuous Ward - By Karla Darcy Page 0,67

sorry, Betta," Amity apologized, smiling at her friend in the mirror above the vanity. "I am just so nervous."

"Ye have no reason to be nervous, Miss Amity. Iffen she can't take you the way you are then there's no point in worriting. Better you should wonder what is wrong with her if she cannot like you."

Amity giggled. "I wish I had your good sense, my girl. I always feel better for telling you my troubles."

Betta noticed the dark circles under her mistress' eyes and suspected that she had not shared all her troubles. She was very curious as to what had transpired on the picnic when she had returned all wet and disheveled but Miss Amity had been quiet ever since. More curious still, Lord Maxwell Kampford had been absent since that day, almost as if he were avoiding his own townhouse. Betta jammed the last hairpin into place none too gently and stood back eyeing her charge.

"How do I look?" Amity asked, rising and turning before her abigail.

Despite an unusual subdued air about her, Amity looked magnificent. Her gown was a heavy moss green silk which softened the red tones of her hair and brought out the gold highlights. There was a wide band of cream-colored lace at the high neck, repeated again at the wrists and along the edge of the hem. The lines of the dress were simple. The bodice was made up of flat pleats to just beneath her breasts, then the skirt fell to the floor in a shimmer of silk. She wore no jewelry except a string of pearls which Betta knew had been given to her by Lord Kampford. Her hair was dressed in a Psyche knot and its simplicity accentuated the exotic beauty of her crystal blue eyes.

"I expect you'll do," Betta said dryly. "Especially if Lord Paige is expecting a princess."

"What a good friend you are," Amity said, hugging her in a burst of enthusiasm. Then her eyes flew to the clock and she gasped. "They will be here any minute. Oh I wonder if Max and Lady Grassmere are ready."

"I almost forgot," Betta said, reaching into the pocket of her apron and extracting a note. "Lord Kampford said I was to give this to you when you were ready."

Amity snatched the paper and with shaking fingers ripped open the note. A smile was forming on her face at the thought of her guardian's kindness until she read the words of the note: "Just remember to take a deep breath every quarter hour and then everything is sure to go well." Oh why did he have to remind her of her habit of knocking things over in her nervousness. Just the mere mention of it gave her a queer feeling in the pit of her stomach and she crumpled the note in annoyance.

"Blast!" she swore.

"Miss Amity!"

"Oh, I know. I shant say it again." Amity dropped the paper on the vanity and called to Muffin who was as usual ensconced on the chaise longue. "Come on, old boy. It's time to put in an appearance."

The dog slid to the floor and followed his mistress to the door. She dug her fingers into the fur at his neck, grateful for the comforting contact with the animal. As if marching in a funeral parade they walked through the hallway and down the stairs to the salon. Lady Grassmere and Max were already present.

Max rose to his feet and Amity flushed at the gleam of appreciation in his eyes. He came forward and with a chivalrous gesture, raised her hand to his lips. A shiver ran down her spine as his lips touched her skin and she strove to control the rush of feeling that pounded along her nerve endings.

"My dear, there is little question that neither Bancroft nor Ophelia will find anything to criticize," Max said, his deep voice full of praise. "You are exquisite."

"Thank you, Max," Amity said. She snatched her hand away but still felt the touch of his lips as if they had marked her forever. Unable to meet his eyes, she turned to her chaperone. "How elegant you look, Lady Grassmere. Is that a new dress?"

"Why how clever of you to notice, child," Hester said, flushing as she straightened the grey folds of her dress. "I thought this occasion deserved something special."

At this point the conversation came to a halt and Amity sat down on the silver and white striped settee, Muffin sprawled at her feet. She fidgeted with her Copyright 2016 - 2024