The Virtuous Ward - By Karla Darcy Page 0,62

a chorus of excited voices.

Drawing on centuries of arrogant ancestors, Max stared around the room until the hubbub subsided. Then in stentorian tones he snapped out a series of orders that left the inhabitants of the room scurrying to comply. Finished, he extended his hand to Amity and ushered her up the backstairs with great dignity. Once in the upstairs hall his composure cracked and he let out a great sigh of relief.

"Run along now, before Cousin Hester sees you or she will fall down in fits."

"I hope Wilberforce does not scold you too badly," she whispered. Then standing on tiptoe she kissed his cheek. "Thank you for the memorable day, Max."

She scampered down the hall, before Max could even lift his hand to touch the spot where her lips had touched his cheek. His face unreadable, he turned in the opposite direction toward his room.

Knowing that soon Betta would be along, Amity began to strip off her wet clothing. She wrapped herself in a dressing gown and curled up in a chair until her abigail called to tell her the bath was ready. She sighed in pure happiness as she sank into the hot water. While she bathed she told Betta about rescuing the cat, avoiding the questioning look in her friend's eye at the end of the recital.

By the time she was finished drying her hair, shadows had lengthened in the room and Betta hurried to light the candles. When Amity requested a tray in her room, explaining that she planned to go to bed early after the excitement of the day, the abigail looked surprised but made no comment. She gathered the wet clothing in a bundle and slipped out the door.

Alone at last, Amity piled the pillows against the headboard and climbed into bed. She pulled the comforter up to her chin as a large tear rolled out of the corner of her eye and slipped down her cheek. She had held herself under such tight control that now she gave in to the pain that engulfed her. As if the floodgates had been opened, more and more tears fell, until the edge of the comforter was soaked. Amity cried for several minutes, then on a shuddering sigh, she began to gain control of the situation.

The source of her anguish was the certain knowledge that she was in love with Max. She had realized it the moment his lips touched hers in the shattering kiss in the river. She had known it then, at the same time that she accepted the fact that he did not love her. He had kissed her out of joy, in the happiness of the moment. If he thought of her at all, it was with slight annoyance that she had intruded on his life.

In their many talks, she had come to understand what Max wanted in a wife. He wanted a woman who could act the lady, conduct herself with dignity and not intrude on his affairs. For a moment she considered the possibility that he might one day see her as a perfect lady but her mouth curled up in an ironic smile as she realized the impossibility of her ever playing that role. She was too honest to counterfeit virtues she did not have and the qualities she possessed did not include the ones Max considered of highest priority. He would never see her as anything but a shatterbrained, hurly-burly girl. For Max, the perfect lady was Honoria Waterston.

In despair Amity wondered what she should do. In two days time she would be betrothed to Bancroft Paige. She had thought that she might learn to love Bancroft, but Max's kiss had shown her the emotional upheaval of real love. Since she did not love him, was it fair to marry Bancroft? In a moment of perception, she realized that he did not require her love. He wanted a wife and she would be a good one. She had already given her heart, but she could strive to be the helpmate that he needed. She would be kind to his sister, bear his children and try to be a docile and loving wife. Her life would be fruitful and gratifying without the painful emotions engendered by love.

Amity curled up beneath the covers, turning her face into the pillow. She remembered the first time she had seen Max and the pain she had felt at his rejection. She had survived then and she would most survive now. Sleep came slowly, Copyright 2016 - 2024