The Virtuous Ward - By Karla Darcy Page 0,58


"You are looking particularly charming on this dreary day," he said, taking in her toilette with a comprehensive glance.

Amity's dress was a simple white muslin, banded at the neckline and the edge of the puffed sleeves with satin the exact color of her hair. The sash was the same color and tied beneath her breasts with the ends fluttering down to the hem of her skirt. A cluster of peacock feathers was nestled in the ribbon that circled the crown of her wide brimmed white straw hat. The opened parasol was the color of her red hair and was lined in white. All in all she was a charming picture of elegance.

"One must be optimistic, Max. After all, you planned a picnic and I wished to dress for the occasion. It is my hope that the sun shall break through the cloud cover yet."

As if on cue the sun shyly peeked from behind the blanket of clouds, getting stronger by the minute. Amity crowed her delight and Max tipped his hat in return.

"Where are we heading?" she asked.

"I thought out beyond Greenwich. There's a nice walking lane near the river."

"And to what particular event do I owe this great honor of an entire afternoon of your exalted presence?"

"I was feeling rather restless and thought it would be an excellent excuse not to be tied up with my man of business. Besides it occurred to me that in two days time you will be a betrothed young lady and have little time for your guardian. Soon you will be too busy with plans for your wedding to enjoy just a carefree afternoon," he finished quietly.

"It's true," she said, her tone less than enthusiastic. "If Ophelia approves, Bancroft wishes to make the announcement at once. I had not thought beyond the betrothal, but there are I suspect endless details to planning a wedding."

Amity was silent for the remainder of the ride, noticing little of the passing scenery. She awakened from her reverie when Max reined in the greys and looked around her in wonderment.

"I hope you approve," he said as he helped her out of the carriage.

"How could I not?" She skipped forward a few paces then hurried back her face alight with pleasure. "It is beautiful here. The river in London is so full of noisome things that I find little enjoyment in viewing it. This is how it should look."

"Well don't just stand there like some fashionable fribble," Max said, arms akimbo. "You would have it that we sneak off on our own so unless you carry something I shall be all day playing donkey. Lewis," he flashed a grin at his tiger, "must remain abandoned with the horses."

Amity laughed and accepted the armful of blankets and cushions while Max carried an enormous picnic hamper. They walked up the lane until they found an open spot beside the river. Together they spread out the blankets amid much laughter as to the perfect position. Finally they were satisfied and Amity dropped to the ground, tucking her legs beneath her muslin skirts in a graceful gesture. She watched with pleasure as Max delved into the hamper and began to unload the food.

"Mrs. Putnam must think we are planning to be gone this sennight," she said. "Chicken and ham. Oh, Max, are those cherry tarts? I vow they are my very favorites."

"Not until you eat all your dinner," Max said, staring down his nose at her like some gruff nanny. "I would offer you some wine, but Mrs. Putnam indicated that you were to have nothing but the chilled cider."

"Blast! Was never a person so beset by people who have only her best interests at heart. Whatever happened to the willful orphan who could do as she wanted," she muttered, wrinkling her nose in disgust.

"She is eating a picnic lunch on the banks of the Thames," Max responded, earning a sniff from his companion.

They ate between bursts of conversation, enjoying the novelty of the alfresco repast. The sound of the water bubbling past was a fitting counterpoint to the singing of birds in the nearby trees. Despite the admonitions of her chaperone, Amity untied her bonnet and threw it down on the grass.

"You shall return with a nose all red and freckled," Max warned.

"I know but I hate always wearing a hat. It's wonderful to feel the sun on my hair." Amity lifted the weight of her hair from her neck and raised her arms to pile it atop her head. She looked Copyright 2016 - 2024