The Virtuous Ward - By Karla Darcy Page 0,51

by the elegant gown she was wearing last evening. Perhaps it may have been a trifle sophisticated for a girl of her age but I am sure no one will think that she is too fast."

Max cocked an eyebrow at the comment but when he glanced at Honoria, she raised guileless eyes to him. He turned the words over in his mind and wondered if she was being intentionally critical. He led her down the stone steps to the formal garden his mind busy with the puzzle.

As he looked back over the past weeks he had to admit that Honoria had made many such comments about Amity. They were always disguised as compliments but there was a knife edge of disparagement implied. Now that he thought about it, although Amity had never said a word against her, Honoria had been critical of his ward. It was born in on him that it was almost as if she was the one who had taken a dislike to Amity and she was doing all she could to denigrate her in Max's eyes. He found it difficult to believe this since he had always thought of Honoria as the epitome of gracious, ladylike behavior.

Max was oblivious to the moonlight playing on the garden paths. He walked beside Honoria, his mind intent on his confusion until he was reminded of her presence by a gentle tug on his sleeve.

"Would you mind if we sat for a moment, Max? My poor feet are quite worn from dancing."

"My apologies, my dear," Max said.

He was contrite that he should have been so little aware of her discomfort. Taking out his handkerchief, he rubbed it over the stone bench and then held her hand as she positioned herself on the seat. Staring down at her, he was conscious of her beauty. The moonlight gave a metallic sheen to the blond curls and a softness to her white skin. Tonight he was less affected by her loveliness than usual, perhaps because his mind had been questioning whether he knew her as well as he assumed. Troubled by his disloyal thoughts, he sat down on the bench and turned to gaze at her.

"Do you like Amity?" he asked, surprised at his own words.

"Why, Max, what a question," Honoria said, waving her fan as an indication of her discomposure. "Of course, I am fond of your little ward."

"I have wondered and felt some disquiet." Max pursed his lips, debating how he could find an answer to his confusion. "I suspect a coolness between you and I am concerned that Amity has given you reason to feel hostility toward her."

"Hostility, Max? Why I don't know what to make of your words," Honoria said. She stared at him with injured eyes, then lowered her lids and bent her head. She closed her fan with a brittle snap and tapped the sticks against the palm of her hands. She was silent for several moments then spoke, her words barely audible in the quiet night air. "Oh, Max, it is only that sometimes I worry others may take advantage of your goodness of spirit."

Max felt a tug of amusement at her words. He had never considered that he had a goodness of spirit, quite the contrary in fact. He arranged things so that he was put to the least amount of disorder in his life.

"Come now, my dear," he said. "No one has taken advantage of my goodwill."

"If you say so," she said, sounding not at all convinced.

His forehead wrinkled at her tone and he narrowed his eyes in contemplation of her still bent head. "I can see you are troubled about something, Honoria. Please do me the courtesy of telling me your thoughts so that I may persuade you that there is nothing to worry about." As she remained silent, Max felt annoyance at her reticence. "Is it Amity? Has she committed some unpardonable breach of propriety?"

Honoria raised her head and her eyes were wide with apprehension. He smiled as she batted her lashes in a pretty picture of hesitation. At his encouragement, she brushed out her skirts and then crossed her hands in her lap and straightened her shoulders.

"I have been so hesitant to speak," she began.

"Do you see me as some kind of ogre?" he chided her.

"Of course not, Max. You know how much I regard you. It is difficult sometimes to know when to tell tales. I would not say a word now, except for my concern for darling Amity."

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