The Virtuous Ward - By Karla Darcy Page 0,49

sister and I would hate to think she might not approve. I will be frank in saying that I have not had a loving family around me as a child and I would much regret if my marrying you created a rift in your relationship."

"Ah, my dear. I can see you will make a wonderful helpmate in attempting to smooth the course of our lives together," Bancroft said, smiling benignly at her. "Ophelia may have some slight reservation at this point but it is because she does not see you in the same light that I do. Once you two have more time together, I know you will become good friends."

"Might I offer a suggestion, Bancroft?" At his nod she continued, "Perhaps you might bring your sister to tea next week. Then she would have a chance to judge more clearly if I will make a suitable wife."

"That's a splendid idea. Would Monday be too soon?" he asked.

"That would be fine," Amity said. "If she approves then I will feel that we are destined to be married. Once we have her approval, then I will be happy to accept your kind and generous offer."

"Oh, my dear. You have made me very happy," Bancroft said, raising her hand to his lips and dropping a light kiss on the back of it. "I am sure Ophelia will be delighted, just as I am."

"Thank you, Bancroft, for your patience."

"In light of your decision, perhaps you would not consider me too forward if I were to request one kiss as a token of our coming betrothal." His face was grave and his eyes held an intensity that left Amity quite breathless.

She was startled at the request and lowered her eyes in confusion. She had never received a kiss from a lover but since Max's mention of the subject, found she was curious as to what feelings it might engender. She was not brave enough to speak; she could only nod her head in agreement.

Bancroft placed his hands on her shoulders, careful not to wrinkle her gown. He turned her toward him and Amity found her heart beating at a terrifying rate. She closed her eyes as he bent his head and waited. Cool, dry lips pressed hers.

For Amity the kiss was pleasurable. There was a sweetness to the caress, a promise of kindness and security. She felt safe in Bancroft's embrace and she sighed with contentment.

"I assume, I may wish you happy," Max's voice was snapped from the doorway.

Bancroft released Amity so suddenly that she almost fell off the settee. The embarrassed gentleman leaped to his feet, standing awkwardly beside her. How poor of Max to interrupt such a blissful experience, she thought in annoyance. Before Bancroft could stammer a reply, she smoothed her skirts and raised ingenuous eyes to her guardian.

"Good afternoon, Max. Won't you join us?" she said, hoping she sounded cool although her pulses were still racing at his sudden appearance. "Bancroft was bidding me goodbye."

"Forever?" came the lugubrious response.

"Naturally not. He will be calling to take me for a drive tomorrow." Turning to Bancroft she was relieved to see that he had regained his composure. "Shall we say two?"

"It will be my pleasure," he agreed. Then before the startled Max could do anything more than wish him good day, Bancroft had exited the room.

"Devil take it, Amity." Max stormed across the carpet to glare down at the smiling girl. "Have you accepted the man or haven't you?"

"I have not exactly accepted him," she began, dropping her gaze at sight of the glittering green eyes which threatened mayhem at the very least.

"Then how dare you let him lay hands on you. He will have a thorough disgust of you and your reputation will be in shreds," Max sneered.

"It was only a kiss, Max. He did not even muss my gown."

"If that is your criterion for modest behavior, you are well out there, my girl." Max dug his hands in his hair, though he acknowledged the fact that he would much prefer to throttle the girl. "Many a deb has found her virtue gone without the slightest damage done to her apparel. In fact some prefer it that way," he finished crudely, wanting to shock her.

"Seems most uncomfortable," was the irrepressible Amity's reply. "Besides, Max, it was just an experiment."

"Good Lord!" Max cried, throwing himself in a chair across from the settee. "What will you be up to next, I wonder?"

"I was curious." He gave her a lowering frown and she knew Copyright 2016 - 2024