The Virtuous Ward - By Karla Darcy Page 0,27

friendship since she knows no one else in town. But two weeks of ingenuous enthusiasm is more than I can abide. Besides I have nothing in common with the chit."

"Nothing but Max," came the acid retort.

Honoria dug her nails into her brother's arm, all the time smiling to those around them. It was a smile that never reached her eyes. "It is time and enough to be about my own affairs. I am positive Max is on the brink of making me an offer and, if you know what's good for you, you'll do what you can to encourage the match. It would be a pity if the rest of the ton discovered that your pockets were to let."

"Too cruel, sister mine. If I weren't in such desperate straits I would let Max discover what sort of woman he is about to marry."

Percy clenched his teeth, knowing that he could never risk such a satisfying revenge. It was to his best interest that Honoria marry Max. Unlimited advantages would be available through his connection to Lord Kampford. The duns would cease hounding him; the opera dancers would once more seek his patronage. His sister's gasp brought him back to the reality of the moment and he turned to see a false smile of greeting stretched across her face.

Amity had been waiting for the arrival of Honoria and had not missed the momentary shock as the woman took in her improvised gown. She extended her gloved hand in a graceful almost regal gesture as the woman approached.

"At last, Honoria, I have been breathless for your arrival," Amity said, adopting the woman's artificially bored tones.

"La, sweet child, how gracious you are this evening." Honoria smiled although her pale blue eyes were narrowed like a cat's. "You look quite ravissant ."

"Thank you for your kind words," Amity said. She was surprised that she did not feel as awkward as usual beside the elegant Miss Waterston. On closer observation, she realized that Honoria did not look as striking as she had expected. She had always been envious of the breathtaking ensembles the woman wore but this evening her gown was quite plain. Perhaps she had not wanted to steal any of Amity's attention and in her envy Amity had done the woman an injustice by suspecting her of deliberately sabotaging her wardrobe.

"How sweet to wear your hair au naturel , just as if you knew nothing about the current mode."

Honoria's sugary words dispelled any doubt for Amity of the woman's good will. They were now at daggers drawn. She smiled, speaking carefully for the benefit of her guardian. "I appreciate such a compliment from someone of your vast experience."

Honoria's eyes flashed with anger but without another word, she turned to Max, her eyelashes fluttering as she tapped him coyly on the arm with her fan. "And you, good sir, look quite handsome this evening."

Amity wanted nothing more than to listen to the exchange between Honoria and her guardian but mindful of her social duties turned to the elegant dandy who was waiting to be received. When she realized he was Honoria's brother, her smile of welcome faltered.

"No need to fear, my pet," Percy drawled. "I can see now why my sister has been in such a state. I have nothing but admiration for anyone who can put Honoria out of countenance."

Amity giggled as he gave her an extravagant leg. Seeing the response in his twinkling eyes, she relaxed her guard and spoke with ease to him. "I did not know Honoria had a brother."

"It is a fact that she would just as soon forget," he said, grimacing in the direction of his sister. "Perhaps you might save me a dance later and I can tell you the sad story of my life. It is very droll, my angel."

Percy turned to speak to Max and Amity awaited the next introduction from Lady Grassmere. She was impressed with her chaperone's grasp of names and titles. The little woman never hesitated, her voice a sibilant whisper as she smiled a greeting to each newcomer. Soon the majority of the guests had arrived and Max indicated that it was time to open the ball.

For Amity the entire evening whirled together in a kaleidoscope of colors and scenes. The rich satins and silks, the glitter of diamonds and gems too numerous to recall, the glorious music all joined together in her mind, a memory she would hold dear all the days of her life. But the moments most precious Copyright 2016 - 2024